Hi all i am thinking of adding some xenia and gsp to my 90 gallon fish only tank, it currently has this light https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/fluval-marine-and-reef-20-led-strip-light-59-watts-2902817?cm_mmc=PSH|GGL|CCY|CCO|PM|0|7ToihifihjCfwQNzxc75W9|||0|0|||18151225844&gclid=CjwKCAjw3oqoBhAjEiwA_UaLtkh4JGr69rlABjWr9Cljf5CNyaTZ7anDbAHoziyxfF9K1XGdqAw3wBoCJs8QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds im wondering if it will be enough to grow gsp,xenia, and maybe some palys. I also want to add that i am keeping a blue spot toby who is a bit aggressive and generally a jerk to me and in my brain what better way would it be able to make me mad then eat coral lol so thoughts on tobys with coral? any that are less likely to get eaten? also have a pair of lemon butterflys in it that are may nibble aswell so is it worth a shot and would you try it with cheap corals you grow plenty of? also wondering if fish eat palys if they get sick or die like we would getting the toxin into us as humans?