Awesome clean build !!
I keep going back and forth on where to put my UV(25 watt also). I am curious about yours . I don’t see ball valves/unions and yours is mounted low and behind sump. I cannot tell from pics. How are you planning to change bulb and also remove unit w/o getting some water dripped in stand w/o ball valve unions attached to UV?
Great question!
My UV plumbing is not ideal. There were no good options for placement, and I *believe* my placement was the least bad of the options. I plan to use the unions built into the UV if I need to remove the whole unit. But that will result in some spillage. If I had it to do over again I’d also add ball valves to be able to shut it off. I may still modify that at some point.
For simple bulb changes I should have space to unscrew the bulb and swap it without removing the whole unit.
Here are a couple of better shots of the placement and plumbing…