Susan's RSM 250

Susan Edwards

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I have declared war on my big emerald crab. He's huge and he's insisting on climbing on and staying on my colt coral. I just nursed it and a smaller frag back to health and the large one doesn't not need him hanging on it and pulling it down. I keep chasing him off and he goes right back. He also likes the palys and will sit on them for hours.

So its exile for him. I'm just gonna grab the colt frag as it isn't epoxied down and dump it and him in a bowl of water then acclimatize him in the bowl and add him to the display refugium which is over grown with algae. Ugh! I have 3 others. I've seen the tiny one but not the two med. ones in a long time.

Ordered the red sea reef salt to try. I cannot keep cal/mg where they need to be using instant ocean. Nothing to lose trying it and may be I won't be spending as much on additives. I have the red sea ABC but can't start using until numbers are better (too expensive). Alk is doing better. Also need to order new lights as I'm a couple weeks away from the 6 mo mark (good god, 6 mo already!)

Planning to dose chemi clean to get cyano off coral frags and sand bed. I ahve lots of flow. Waiting to do water change now until I dose and get new salt just in case. I have a batch made but it's a bit light on salt so need some more. Also need to dose the new display refugium. Sometime after the first week in June, I have someone who is going to plumb the two tanks together for me. Very excited. and nervous!

All else seems good and well in the tank. Sun corals now open within 30 minutes of using a turkey baster and some coral food. I "wake" them before I feed the fish, and while fish are eating, start feeding them. They are really starting to extend and grow longer tentacles with the daily feeding. Very happy with them.

Gonipora on sandbed. The frag fell off the rockwork. He needs to be up off sand due to my sand sifter. Elegance really extending and happy on sand bed.

The one mistake I think I did in aquascaping was not leaving quite enough open sand areas. The area in front of the cavern is nice size but the sand sifter has his burrow there so that is constantly reworked and it's also where I put the rock with the seaweed stripes rubber banded for the tang.

Always something!
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Susan Edwards

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10 days away from 6 months! Whoo hoo. Need to find light replacements. Red Sea uses 34 inch. Harder to find.

Not too many mistakes and those I made didn't cost me livestock. Lost only a few in this time. A ywg who disappeared in my tank. He might be in the cavern with the pistol shrimp I've also not seen. I can hope. Lost my clove coral to too much gha. The latest ywg didn't make it. I think he had something wrong from the lfs as I never saw him eating. He wasted away in my refugium display tank. Bummed. I want one of those. Also lost one damsel within days of bringing it home. The new 3 damsels are fine from the beginning. Lost a sea cuc that crawled under rocks and died within days. 2 acros are pretty much gone. Too high nitrate. It climbed super high after I got them. Will wait to try them again.

All fish thriving, all coral thriving. Colts came back and are awesome, Duncan heads are fat and wavy and have a new head growing nicely, torch has a ton of new tentacles and is stretching even taller, Gonipora extended and happy, elegance wavy, sun corals really starting to grow out tentacles. Got the feeding down. I wait until lights off and they are open. GSP getting longer and nice and wavy, favia? Not sure. never see any polyps or tentacles, xenia now on my rocks... And polyps nice, even spreading onto rock. Zoas on the same frag might not have survived the algae. I keep pulling to see if they are there

Tang, sand sifting goby, scooter blenny, chromis (2), clowns (2), tri color blenny, barnacle blennies (2) are happy. Barnacles hide very well. The 3 anthias doing really well. Cut feeding to twice a day plus they "wake up" when I do the sun coral and get some extra. Really love them as they are all over the tank and in the water column. Constant motion and movement.

Display refugium is now home to my emerald crab-the huge one. put some of my macro in suction cup containers (for showers) . Need to put them in peroxide bath to kill the algae. Then I'll put them back in. If the crab eats them, I'll start over and rehome the crab if the lfs will take it back. Right now there is an overabundance of algae

Will be getting tanks plumbed soon I hope. Have someone who will give me a quote. Handyman who also has or had SW tanks and has done some builds. Excited for that. Have 3 damsels in that tank and except maybe trying a goby-shrimp pair, no other fish. Just cuc.

I'm sad that I'm done with fish, at least until tank is more mature. So many more I wanted :(. I think I can add a couple more barnacle blennies as they are so tiny they can't add too much to the system but are cute. Eventually, will add a mandarin or a ruby scooter. I have a canister filter on the refugium that I'll keep to add to the filtering and cleaning of tanks and help with the bio load. When the tanks are plumbed and copepods go in, I'll remove everything except bio media and rubble rock. No floss. Maybe just purigen and carbon--unless those kill copepods. Maybe half a tray of filter floss so some go thru and some can breed there? I figure the canister will be a good breeding area.

parameters getting better. Switched to Red Sea pro salt. 1 Water change so will see if it helps. Cost more, but so does mg/ca/alk, esp. the amts of mg I was dosing. Switching to RS ABC but was holding off until numbers got into more normal range (to be able to use less and save money on that stuff ) Today's numbers:
Mg: 1480 No dosing
CA: 400 dosed. Trying to get up to 420-440
Alk: 14.1 Not sure if the test kit is right. Not very happy with this brand.
NO3: down to 20

Still have too much algae--green hair. Partly bio load and heavier feeding due to anthias and sun coral. cut anthias down to twice a day from 3 times when I first got them to be sure they were getting enough food. Sun coral was also starved and responding nicely to daily feeding.

Using nopox daily, vibrant weekly, and started biodigest/bioptim which is every 15 days. Just did a chemi clean treatment to both tanks. Have tons of flow but still get cyano

longer post than I planned. But very happy and excited still. Love to just put my feet up on my desk and watch my tank. Better than TV even if it means less work gets done.

Susan Edwards

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Okay, I'm wowed. I have babies! Trochus snails. Was pulling algae of the polyps and zoa frag and saw this little guy. One picture shows his size in relation to the polyp. Then I looked again at what looked like a bump on the rock. I touched it with my long tweezers and it started moving! Two babies. Had no idea they'd breed. The second one is about a quarter of the first one I spotted. I took a video and yep, snail all right. Also used my phone camera magnified all the way! Caught me off guard. Hope they survive.

Pic 1 is baby 1
Pic 2 is close up of baby 1
Pic 3 is both. Baby 1 bottom, baby 2 above. What a size difference
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Bicolor blenny in corner of sandbed instead of inside a crevice on top pukani rock. Decided to test ammonia to be sure all was right. Test came out positive. But I'd also just fed the tank. Just in case I added some ammonia detoxifiers (stability and amquel) and added some rodi water after making sure my salinity was okay (so as to not dilute). Retook the amm. test and it is now 0. I know the amquel stuff will detoxify but your test will still show as having ammonia so I think it was using water right after feeding. Will retake test in morning. All the other fish and corals looking normal.

I did start using biodigest and bioptim over the weekend (still using nopox and vibrant) so not sure if that can do anything.

Who'd thought a fish tank could get your heart rate racing!

On a good note: found lots more baby trochus snails. Hope they get big so I can put some in the display refugium. Also noting some dark patches on rocks. I'd just treated with chemi clean last week (still have a couple stubborn spots). Tried to scrape the purple stuff to see if it was dried out cyano and nope. Looks like I have coraline starting. Rock has gone from lime green to dark and small purple patches all over.
Susan Edwards

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My good news first: I have coraline spots on my rock! Do not want it on the back or my pumps. Might lose the fight on pumps...

Tank looks as though there are at least 4 sand sifters! Piles everywhere. Rocks with no sand beneath edges and huge piles all over. I might ahve a pistol shrimp, maybe even a ywg, but I've not seen them in months. Have seen signs of the shrimp molting--too small for the other two larger shrimps. So decided to smooth is all out except where I know the gold head's burrow is but even shifted sand there making sure he could still zip out.

So I got to work with my water change today but did things a bit differently. Instead of taking out 8 gal approx of water and then cleaning glass inside and pulling algae (which leaves tank cloudy for a long time), , I did that bit first. That way much of the debris could be skimmed out before I shut all the pumps down and removed water. I spent a lot more more time pulling algae and scraping it from the sand bed with my fingers near the bottoms of rocks. Also took a toothbrush and brushed glass below sand bed and used it to stir all the sand bed that I could access, going down until I hit bottom. Sand bed is nice and white right now. Normally I use the turkey baster. I'll hit the front with it as needed to keep it clean.
Found this worked well. I'm going to change some tank maintenance stragedies Some of my corals are still pouting with my major work in tank

Water Changes

I did approx 9 gal wc today which with 53ish gal of water is a decent amt. Rather than wait a week for the next with my nutrient excess issues, I'm going to on Wed, Frid, and Sunday remove 2-4 pitchers of water and replace same. I'm using the red sea reef pro and the numbers are higher for ca/mg/alk. I'll test in the am to be sure of my numbers and maybe wait until Thur and not dose until I see how things are on thur. Right now (12 am) with no dosing today I'm at 1480/480/No alk test kit, ran out. NO3 is 20, sm amt of ammonia so will add prime (detoxifies it but will still show in tests) I'll see if this will help deal with excess nutrients and will also pull more algae. Also will see how much the mg drops as it usually drops about 80 per day

Have been feeding 2x's day for the anthias and feeding a large colony of sun corals. This week, the suns haven't opened for the morning feeding but are open a bit after the night feeding. They open approx 30 min after I feed tank at 8pm. Found I wasn't getting back in to shut things off to feed them (busy feeding myself!) and found they were still open at 11-1130 so I fed then. All the fish are bedded down but anthias and tang still active (office lights are on).

So I tried skipping the 8pm feeding and feeding around 11-12 a tiny bit to the anthias, wait a few minutes, then shut off pumps and feed the suns. Fish leave the suns alone and the anthias get their second feeding and I don't have to feed everyone.

We shall see if this works. And I see a large pile of sand where my sweet lil' goby cleared out his burrow....
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Did about a 6 qt water change, or 3 gal in my experiment. Didn't dose today as numbers were all on the higher side. Will see what they are tomorrow. If still in the high range, I'll skip Friday (in my 3x's a week experiment for nutrient control).

Did a water change on Monday and no dosing on Monday or Tuesday. Here are Tue and Wed. numbers
mg 11480/1560
ca 430/440
waiting on new alk test kit--first hanna
No3 20/40

Will test tomorrow to see how the small water change after the larger one affects the numbers.
Susan Edwards

Susan Edwards

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This has been the worst week in all my 6 months. I've lost 6 fish in a week. First I noticed my bicolor blenny not acting right. Sleeping in odd spots. It disappeared. Figured it died and got eaten. Then I noticed one of the anthias I got for mother's day had tiny spots. It died 2 days later, followed by the other two I got for mother's day just over 30 days ago. Then my tang started not acting right and diedd. Today, one clown died. Yesterday it had the same rashy spots.

I suspect the 3 anthia must have brought something in. I also had 2 barnacle blennies purchased at same time and haven't seen them. But they are hard to find anyway. To cement this fear, I had also bought a yellow watchman goby for my display refugium. He last no more than a week and obviously was not right from the beginning. The fact that it died immediately, followed the the other three, and some of my other fish, leads me to believe these fish had something or brought something in as parameters have been pretty good except high nitrates

My tang had gotten like one or two spots on him in past but adding garlic always took care of it. These spots were almost more of a coating of spots.

So this weeks loses:
1 bicolor blenny
1 kole tang
1 clown--one of my first fish in Dec.
3 anthias

I have remaining:
1 clown
1 sleeper gold head goby
1 scooter blenny
2 green chromis

Maybe a good thing my refugium isn't plumbed to main tank yet as there are 3 damsels in there

While the fish are not doing well, the corals are doing fantastically. Unbelievably great.
Also, snails breeding like crazy. I know have 3 sizes of trochus baby snails.

So I will take some time, see if I can get the nutrients down and under control and get rid of algae problem while I see how the remaining fish fare.
No, I don't have a quarentine tank and yes, I will see if I can set one up.

So bummed.
Susan Edwards

Susan Edwards

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Lost my second clown. Knew I would. that makes 7 gone, 4 left and question marks about my barnacle blennies. Someone asked if whatever came into my tank came from the frag tank that the corals my dau gave me were in. I don't think so as there were no fish but I don't know. Plus I'm not sure if it is plumbed into the main display or separate. If separate, then I wouldn't think so. If plumbed to main tank, they would be having issues.

Whatever the cause, it's wiping my fish out but corals doing fantastically well.
Nutramar Foods
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@Robin Haselden I'm pretty sure it's marine velvet. What the tang used to get was one or two spots of ick and I was always able to beat it back with vitamins in food, garlic in food and a few drops in the water. And making sure the tang had nori strips. This was different and it was fast. From seeing the spottiness more all over, it was no more than two days.

What made this so difficult, it started just before my family came in for the reunion at my house. I didn't have the time to set up another tank or research or anything. I have a ten gal tank but no lid and hob filters. I have to figure out what to order from amazon for meds and set it up and see if petsmart has lids or brs. Hang on filters will make a lid hard. Also need a small amt of sand in a bowl for the sand sifter.

So will be spending time on trying to save fish but will take a day or so to set it up and get meds
Susan Edwards

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Big update. Major tank disaster. Lost 9 fish to velvet. Tough survivors: 2 chromis, 1 scooter blenny, 1 sleeper gold head goby. On the advice on the thread I started here: If anyone needs good advice, check it out. Lots of experts.

So based on that good, expert advice, I've removed the survivors to a QT tank. Then learned the scooter blenny, a dragonette cannot tolerate copper so he's out and in a small tank by himself. Also based on the experts, because my display refugium (DR) is within 10 feet (less than 3) and velvet can be airborne, that tank also has to go fallow. So 3 damsels added to qt tank.

Took me all day Monday to catch 7 fish in 2 tanks. Had to remove ALL rock from the DR and all but one large cemented rockwork from DT (display tank). So no fish in my office for 76 days. Because I've had ick in my tank, I'll run it fallow for that long. Velvet is 6-8 weeks--saw both numbers. So I'm bummed. It's either cry, give up (never ;Rage), or look on the bright side. Is there a bright side? Yeah there is.

I made 2 rockscape errors when I set up. One was a big, deep, wide cavern that took up a good part of the right side of tank. I could not see into it to check fish. And two, I didn't leave enough sand for corals that like sand beds. So I rescaped, changed out some rock with the DR and I think I'm happy with it. Still testing its strength to be sure nothing can fall. Might put turbos in the DR. I now have lots of sand, lots of swim throughs and hidey places. So that was a good thing. too bad no fish to enjoy it. When jail time is over, goby is going to go into the DR so I can have coral on sand in DT. Will decide if the 3 damsels will go in the main tank or back to refugium

Corals all coming back. Major hissy fits and pouting as any unattached were removed or placed in sand. Testing new spots before I glue down. White tipped Leather finally opening. That frag needs attention. It has 2 leathers and a colt. Colt has to come off.

I have 4 colt frags now. going to grow them bigger and see if the LFS will do a trade. Prob. trade in a bigger one as well as I have 3 big ones and don't have that big a tank!

still trying to get copper levels up in the one qt tank. As none show signs of MV a week or so after last death, they are just in qt as preventative and to let tanks go fallow. I am upping dosage a bit more slowly. Will remove some sand tomorrow. Needed it for the sand sifter and the scooter blenny. He's moved out so I can clear some sand out, esp. as I know where the goby is now calling home. Didn't want to over stress him. he's very stressed. Hope I get it up tomorrow and start the 76 days.

Will also get some copepods to seed both tanks. Have seen some in the main tank.

Here is the qt tank (with blenny still in) and my redone MT. Tomorrow I redo the DR. Will post a better pic. Didn't clean glass or remove fan....

Susan Edwards

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Update. Realized I missed my 7 month birthday. Not sure there's a lot to celebrate this last month with velvet wiping out nearly all my fish! Still no CP for the scooter blenny. Had to return him to the DT as he wasn't eating. Gave him some time to fatten back up and removed him from tank yesterday back to his own 10 gal. Added some pods and have more in fridge to add to his tank. Need to start the countdown on DT going fallow so he just has to deal. Other fish are in 20 gal with copper. Almost 2 weeks with them. Of course, they are stuck there now for 76 days from today

Started fluconazle treatment last night for bryopsis. Will be documenting here but mainly in separate thread under that forum. Goal while tank is fishless is to get rid of all algae. Only have to feed the sun corals. Will keep up with the vibrant and nopox and biodigest. Nitrates still high but keeping a close eye. Will dose refugium display after the main tank is done. Then try to get the tanks plumbed together. Lights just came on. Skimmer turned off for the treatment. We'll see if I can leave off for full 14 days or if I have to turn it back on sooner. Hope all corals open and tell me all is well even with the new treatment. Leather hasn't opened yet

I miss all my little fish buddies. They are in another room as office is only 10 x 10 and they can't be within 10 feet of tank.

Colts are dropping branches. Have a dozen frags. They can stop anytime now...

Have more baby trochus snails. Babies in 2 sizes now. Maybe three. They are happy. Narsarius keep laying eggs. Have coraline on rocks and my wave makers and magnet glass cleaner.

So today is day one of Fallow and day one of "kill the bryopsis"

Have a tiny crab I discovered last night. No idea what kind. or if good or bad. It's hanging on my rhod. mushroom. Pics taken at night with flashlight shinning on. Looks all white even in daytime.
Susan Edwards

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I've been good, updating my thread but I'll update again for a nice, new shiny tag <g>. I'll do anything for a prize lol's.

Right now my two tanks, one a display refugium are fishless. I've just started the 76 day fallow following marine velvet. Had ick as well so will go the full 76 days. And boy, is this hard to sit and just watch corals, although they are fascinating but... No guarentees that I don't sneak in another coral or even an anemone during this time. In fact, while the tank is being treated with fluconazle might be a good time to add a coral as if there is any algae, it'll get zapped in this 14-21 day period. . So hard not to see fish swimming in the newly arranged rockwork which I like better than what I had before (had to dismantle to catch the fish to remove them)

One update I can note here is that at night, with a flashlight, I'm seeing tons of ampipods. Added some more copepods as well so by the time I can add fish back in, I can add a mandarin. Now is a time I can start replanning my tank inhabitants and once that da** bryopsis is gone, I can finally afix corals. Hard to glue down on mats of algae. Also have the teeny tiny crab that seems to live in the rhrodactus green mushroom and that makes me think it is a coral crab. Can barely see it without the zoom on the cameral

I also have a zillion colt branches that dropped and I've tossed them in a basket to attach to rubble. Going to call a lfs to see if I can trade them in. Not sure if they need to be larger. Might also pull out some trochus snails if they take them. I have at least 3 sizes of babies from small to almost adult size.

I have started a battle with the bryopsis. Finally figured out that was why vibrant and nopox and biodigest weren't working. Added Fluconazle 4 days ago. I have a thread here detailing my battle:

I'm on day four and about to take my day 4 pics around 7pm so will be posting but here is a day three and a full tank shot I took this morning as I was so jazzed by the amount of die off. I feel like Dorothy watching the wicked witch melting....

bryopsis pics day 3.jpg

Ignore that day 1 above. It wasn't supposed to group with the other pics that I exported from my graphic program. Below is the tank this morning and i'll add the above pics changed to day 4 to my other bryopsis thread tonight. Another hour before I take my day 4 official pic


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HAHA! Nice work on the QT Tower! :p

Keep us updated on the Bryopsis battle!
Susan Edwards

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lol's @revhtree with so many fish in there, and all needing hidey spots, it was what I came up with. Lost one damsel but the other 2 plus the 2 chromis love their condos. Sand sifter claims one of the pipes.
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Tank has been fallow for a whole 5 days...Ugh. So sad. I am tempted to add a coral or an anemone now because the tank is going fallow for ick and marine velvet. I'd just have to add another 5 days plus with the fluconazle added to kill the bryopsis, that would also take care of any incoming algae. A built in quarentine period. It'd also let an anemone settle before fish are added back in.

I suspect that I might just put the surviving 2 chromis, 2 damsels and gold head sleeper goby into the display refugium and start new fish in the DT. They all seem to be doing well in the 20 gal qt. Scooter blenny will go back into the DT. He is in a 10 gal qt by himself. If I can't find a vet to get the cp, I did find it on ebay. I do have time to try to from a source more reliable.

Happy with day 5 of progress of killing off the bryopsis. By the time I can add fish back in, I hope to have a pristine tank. Can't do a wc for 2 weeks so just watching everything and planning where I'll permenantly affix all the corals. Hard to glue down onto mats of algae so they are just stuck where they will stay and where they all seem to be happy. Need to make my care sheets for each one while I'm twiddling thumbs...

Here are some day 5 shots.
bryopsis pics day 5.jpg
bryopsis pics day 5mix.jpg
Top Shelf Aquatics
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Changed my 6 T5 lights. At 7.5 months not six but oh well. 2 ati blue/whites, 1 ati purple, 3Red sea blues.

Okay, I did it. I added a few new corals and a rbta. That means countdown to fallow begins tomorrow. I'm without any fish but in case any ick cysts came in, the 76 days start from 1. But I figured it was now or wait until toward end of october to any anything. The tank is a basically qt tank right now with no fish, and with the fluconazle beating the cr** out of the bryopsis, I also figured that would take care of the new frags.
Ended up with
Candy Cane
Mushroom--pretty blue
One they forgot to write the name down--maybe someone can tell me...
And a rbta.

All on bottom of sandbed except anemone who looks like it might be going to move. Dang...

I read that healthy anemones are sticky. This guy stuck to the bag, stuck to the container I used to drip acclimate and after coaxing it free, it almost stuck to my fingers as I placed it. It was looking so good, I tried to feed a tiny pc of frozen cooked shrimp and it took it and ate it. I was jazzed. The last one I tried never ate. It hid, stayed in the dark and withered away. I think it wasn't healthy to begin with plus my tank was too new :( But this one seems good and I hope it stays where I put it. Put thread spool netting over wave makers, and may even turn them off for the night in case it goes walkabout.

So this is it for a while. My wallet and budget will thank me. And my hubby.... I am going to order the CP from ebay unless my vet at petco's banfield will write a script for me to use on the scooter blenny. Better to get some even from ebay than not get any at all. After scooter blenny is treated, and those in copper have the copper removed, I'll move him in there and free up the 10 gal qt. Then in september, I'll purchase 2-3 new fish, prob. 2 clowns and one other, start the qt and by the time they are done, my soon to be bryopsis free tank will be ready for them.

The 2 damsels will go back to the display refugium, as will the gold head sleeper goby. My new rockscape has lots of bare sand for corals which I didn't have before, so no sand sifter. The 2 chromis I'm not sure. They can either stay with the damsels as they all seem to be managing, or go back into the dt. I actually love the new rockscape. Lots of swim thrus. It is a wall across from one end of tank to other but there are no huge caverns where I can't get to or see into, and there is lots of sand bed in front for bottom corals. Even sand in back. In fact the colts are dropping so many branches I should let the back be colts... Must have 20 frags so far. Anyone want a colt? Free! Adding them into the refugium. That might end of being a colt species, xenia and macroalgae.

so my goal/plan for the next couple months is:
Get tank algae free and nutrients where I want them
Seed more copepods in both tanks. Have lots of amphipods .
Glue/epoxy all corals where I want them.
Buy dosing pump and figure out how to dose and have even better control than manually dosing
Treat display refugium with fluconazle after main tank is finished
Pay someone to plumb the two tanks together
Replan my fish list and corals. When the weather cools I want to try online ordering as with a local fish store, you are limited by what they have and there are some others, like pretty zoas I'd like
Have the small qt tank ready to go early september
And in October, have a dt back in business.

At some point I'll play with the chiller I got. It doesn't work. It's a Teco with UV and heater and an expensive one from my son in law so I'd like to see if I can fix it. Too late for this year but next year. Made due with fans, lots of fans and low ac settings this year.


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Susan Edwards

Susan Edwards

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Nov 28, 2016
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Okay, Aug 7th, almost 8th. Where am I in this wonderful reef world....

--Day # 8/76 Fallow tanks.
--Finished 14 days of Fluconazle with amazing results. Still have some small patches and some in crevices. Might be gha now.
--Dosed Chemiclean last night as cyano was taking over.
--Stopped nopox and vibrant for now to see what tank does. PO4 at 0 unless I dose, nitrates around 20 still. But spent time today blowing cr** off rocks and sand as there is a lot of hidden debris from the bryopsis dying off. Will continue this to see if NO3 comes down
--Will retreat another round of fluconazle after a big water change and a cleaning of sponges in sump (around return lines sectons)
--Fish in 20 QT will be ready for a wc and carbon added to remove copper on thur.
--Recieved CP from ebay to start treating scooter blenny and get him done. He's in a separate qt as he can't do copper. Hope it is pure enough to be an effective treatment.
--going to start flucon in display refugium on Tues as some of the bryopsis rock got put in that tank.
--new rbta did great with eating for 3 days then went on a hiding spree. Just lowered self into crevice to hang upside down. Does come out. Fed it yesterday. It's behind the rock in a crevice so I have to turn off flows and look down to feed. Today was out for a bit then back in its cave. As long as it comes out and gets fed I won't stress. Esp. until tank is done with treatments.
--sandbed still clear pretty much from stuff I blew off earlier. That's a good sign.
--can start to glue corals now that mass mats of algae are gone. Will give me something creative to do with tank during my enforced no fish time.

Lots going on but nothing exciting. Miss my fish in my office. 8 mo anniv coming up. Def. not where I thought I'd be...

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%