Susan's RSM 250

Susan Edwards

Susan Edwards

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Nov 28, 2016
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Time for an update. Decided nitrates are just too high. Been trying nopox again but this time, using 10 ml, not 6. Still no results so am adding vinegar dosing, but very slow, like 2 ml and upping it every day or every other day. Will test nitrates daily to keep an eye. When it gets down, will stop the nopox or the vinegar. Down to 40 today. From 160 2 days ago Will test po4 again as well. Had to add some phos guard. Back to rinsing frozen foods. Will have to decide whether to use vinegar or make my own nopox using vinegar and vodka. Don't want cyano with vodka though.

Lost one of the dispar anthias. no idea how or where it went. Cuc took care of it I guess. Need to add more fish. Will order 2 more bangaiis to go with the one I have. Might order 3 for the 125. I should be able to QT 5 in my 37 gal qt tank. Need some more corals as well! Everything is going into the 125 gal.

One reason I'm dosing is my sedosa is bleaching from the base. Worried the super high nitrates getting to it. The reverse sunset also not looking good. Green is turning brown but there are still lots of polyps. Goal is to get nitrates 10-20. Then maybe consistantly aim for 10.

I have 2 royal grammas in qt. Debating putting both in the 125 or one in each tank.

The big polyp paly is taking over the smaller palys. At some point will have to remove that rock and stick in the other tank. Hubby loves those palys. Me, not so much. To do this will mean taking and moving several rocks. The rock the corals are on is two cemented together. I'm hoping it's not three!

Okay, not a lot to catch up here. Need to get some new and exciting stuff in here!
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Susan Edwards

Susan Edwards

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Nov 28, 2016
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Tracy, California
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Wow, more than a month since I was last here! This first part of my update is copied from the 125 tank build!
It's been crazy. Got back the rights to 11 of my books originally published in mass market paperback in the 90's & early 2000's. Pub went out of business in 2010 so sold rights to an e-publisher. They reverted the rights so have been trying to get the books back out. Had to put that on hold to find a lawyer to file a civil harassment restraining order against my neighbor for harassing our dogs. If they bark 6 seconds at 11pm, or 15 seconds at 2 pm, he calls the cops and animal control! Literally. I have voice recordings now of every time dogs go outside. This week, he's been trying to entice dogs to bark when he has dispatch on the line. I heard him when I went out with dogs saying: "Can you hear them barking now?" I called the police and filed a complaint. So we meet the lawyer this week, and much of my fish stuff is suffering as I'm having to do a bark spreadsheet and other notes for our meeting iwth the lawyer this week. But here's an update.

I tried to add more dispar anthias but they didn't survive qt. I have no idea if I have 2 left. 1 had going into hiding and I thought it had died. Haven't seen it again for a while. Have 4 more in qt. Also have 6 staghorn damsels. I ordered lemon chromis but they sent these. Not sure if they will go into the 125 or this o ne. Or if I'll split between the 2 tanks. Bummed that I didn't get what I wanted!

One of my leathers, a white tipped split. Looks like it was going to split more but seems to not be. So I have a nice piece to glue to a rock for the other tank. The blue toadstool is huge! Everything for most part seems to be doing okay. Am dosing iwth my own homemade nopox. Seems to be helping nitrates. Last pic shows cloves starting to grow on the leather. Not sure if that is good or what to do about it.

goal right now is to get nitrates down, add more corals and fish. The other tank has taken some of my focus.


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Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%
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