Susan's RSM 250

Susan Edwards

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I know. they are my dream fish! Turned off lights and will see if they move around some more. Still not eating. Put a couple drops of garlic in water and some selcon. Am thinking they weren't eating at fish store either. I've even tried to drip some pods down to them. Will do more of those tonight maybe.
Susan Edwards

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Okay, I'm so frustrated.
1st problem. The mandarins are still not eating, or not at least when I'm watching. I've been using a pipette to squeeze some tigger pods down to them and some nutra mar ova. The stuff falls on them! I see no eating at least while I'm watching.

I'm torn between 2 actions: forget the qt for just them and put them in my display where there is food or starting CP in case there is something wrong. Most likely they were just in at the lfs as the last time there, end of sept. they didn't have that many in the tank, at least I don't think so. They had 5-6 of them in a small holding tank on Saturday. I don't want to lose them, and they aren't responding well to the qt tank. Then tiny barbarshop goby is eating and coming out to explore. See pic below. So do I start dosing CP and ride out the 30 days or take a chance and add the 2 to the tank. I'm good with leaving the goby--and adding 2 clowns to qt with him for the next 4-6 weeks. he's happy. That 20 gal is like an ocean for him. .

2nd issue: coral QT
Again, frustrated. Yes, it was a new set up even though I used biospira and half tank water and did water changes with partial display tank water. I removed all the egg crate--had put rubble rock beneath as lfs said I needed 5-6 lbs rock. It was an ungodly mess. So I put live sand, a couple bigger rocks I got this weekend and put the corals back in. Still battling stringy algae--not dino's--looks more like cobwebs. And out of 15 small frags, 4 are gone. I did add a blue toadstool mushroom (leather?) this weekend. It hasn't opened but seems to be okay.

Once again I'm tempted to just brush them off real good, algae is a problem on the frags--at least I have snails in the display--and put them in the tank. I've never lost corals at the start. After a few months, yeah but not like this.

If I take the total amt of $ in my tank, and I know to the penny just about what it is, fish and corals are the least, with fish less than corals. Set up is close, equip next and maintenance like test kits, foods etc. the big spender. Yeah it was painful to lose fish to velvet, and I'm more than willing to do qt when I can get a good system going--fish is good, just not for mandy's but I'm not sure a 10 gal tank is going to work for a coral qt tank. I know the general rule is if it is wet, it goes to qt. I know some people don't qt corals, and inverts and I can see why. Too hard to get lighting and flow and perfect water. Here is my cute little survivor. See that story above...
Frustrated and don't want to lose my mandi's
Susan Edwards

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Sad, sad, sad. The female mandi died this morning in my display tank. She was alive and moving when I put her in last night. The male looked dead but not floating so I put him back in the qt. He hadn't moved this morning and I had to leave early. When I got home this evening he hadn't moved at all, so he was dead last night.

I'm so sad. My pods and phyto from algae barn came today. Guess I'll stick them in the tank to add more. I'll see if I can find another pair this weekend. If I do, and i'll do my best to see if they are healthy, then they will go right into the display. I'll see about a pair of clowns to go into the QT with the goby in there. So far he is doing well.

I'll do water changes to both tanks tomorrow seeing as they had dead fish in them.

I'm so bummed.
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QT Thoughts
Well, after losing 4 corals in qt, I ditched the qt. I'll let the tank season and maybe cement some rubble rock to the bigger rocks to make "frag" holders but I have a feeling that a 10 gal is just too small to make corals happy. Either too much flow or not enough. Tank is going thru uglies. I'll just toss some food in every few days to feed good bacteria and let it sit. I lost a bird's nest, gallexea, flower pot, and a favia. I got 3 for free so it's not a big loss but disappointing. I also lost the 2 mandarins by trying to qt them. I won't qt them again but take the chance in my display tank. The little barbar shop goby is doing very well though.

Tomorrow, we'll go out, ck out a couple new fish stores and try to get at least one mandy and maybe a pair of clowns. Clowns will go to qt with the goby. I'll insist on seeing them eat.

Corals I put in the DT are already much happier! My scooter blenny is all over them and my shrimp is cleaning them. Before i put them in, I used a toothbrush to brush algae. Zoas and palys went into a 4:1 peroxide bath for 5-8 minutes. the rest of them, I used a pipette and squirted pure peroxide on the frag and around the stony bases. 1 fell in! Into bowl of tank water immediately for a rinse! AFter I scrubbed and used peroxide, they all went into a bowl of tank water for a rinse and then into the DT and onto sand bed.

The micromussa had feeding tentacles extended last night. It's happy. Today the palys and zoas are all opening. Moved them up to higher lighting and they seem happy. Made a map of tank and where to put corals after they adjust to tank and so I can see if they like the approx flow or lighting I put them in. Some are stuck into rock 6-8 inches off sandbed. Some still on sand

Hermits are cleaning the frags. The blue toadstool is starting to open. It's high and in high flow. I think it will be happy there. Nothing is glued down yet.

Waiting for the hammer to extend and open a bit to see if it is a hammer or frogspawn. Not sure it is a hammer.

Moved the symphillia back down, in what I hope is lower flow. the mushrooms near it aren't being blown so should be good. It will still not flesh out except at night and not very much.
Tank shot of this morning. and my map that I always take to the lfs with me. Easy to show them my tank and what I have.
Symphillia has moved in first pic but map below has current placements
coral tank 10-27.jpg
Susan Edwards

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Visited 2 new lfs. Local is 1/5 hrs away.... The first one is brand new. Only open less than 2 months. Met the owner as he helped us. Like his view and takes on things. Didn't have any fish I wanted but he said he's not going to just rush out and buy fish to fill tanks. Party he's more a coral person and partly he wants healthy fish who are eating and doing well. It will be interesting watching him grow. His corals looked among the healthiest. Got 2. A "wild" unusual montipora. He called it an odd ball as the place he got it didn't know. Just wild picked. My hubby liked it so I got it. I also got a rainbow acan.

We were discussing my poor symphillia--it will either recover and grow or it could have a bacteria and it won't. I figured that. I showed him my montipora. My dau who gave it to me said it was a capricornius monti, on the forum here someone said a chili pepper, and just this week, it was called a cyphasteria. Owner said it was a reverse sunset and he'd love to have a piece of it as it was one of the best he's seen! Of course it is too small to frag as it just barely covered the frag plug and encrusted on the rock. Was impressed with this place.

Second place we'd been too once to ck it out but didn't buy. Got 2 mandarins. Bot in tank hiding right now. No qt for them! I hope they do well. They were eating a mix of frozen and dry mixed together so hopefully. Also got 2 Darwin clowns. They are in qt with the barbar shop goby. Will treat with cp in a few days for 30 days once I'm sure everyone is eating. Or maybe just observe. Not sure yet. I hate treating if there are no issues. My husband also picked out a 10 buck acro . I was surprised it was extended in the bag when I got home! Have it half way up as they need more light. If it doesn't do well, will put it low. But I know they are high light, high flow.

So we'll see if I chose better. My scooter likes to pluck at the new frags. And the pods also have been seen cleaning.

One clown is more black, the other more orange.

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So far the 2 new mandarins are doing okay in the main display. I'm seeing one pecking here and there. Not nearly as much as the scooter blenny. One also goes up into the rock work more. Male I think. I'm hoping the female is holding her own. I've not seen either go after tank food but I leave the power heads off for a while after the food has mixed into the tank. I'm going to start my own baby brine shrimp, copepods and phyto. Found a rock tonight covered with a bunch so they are still plentiful. Had added a new bag last friday. Some on sand and back glass--bigger ones.

2 clowns and goby in observation tank doing well and the 3 new corals are probably the best I've gotten although had I not done qt with the last batch, those might have done better. Most are now doing good in the display tank--ditched the qt as I was losing too many--a few I may still lose.

My rbta isn't looking so good anymore. bleaching out, tentacles shorter and fewer. It has done so well since I got it in July. It is still taking food, pcs of shrimp Tried it on krill and it didn't like. Didn't like the muscles either. So keeping to shrimp. Not sure why it's going downhill but I may lose it. I've feed it nearly every day since getting it.

My nitrates are holding at 20 which I'll take for the moment. Used matrix and de-nitrate a couple weeks ago. Would like to see it at 10 but with the mandarins and sun corals, the tank is heavily fed.

All in all as I near month 11, the tank is doing well.
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1 mandarin now climbing over all the rocks, even up high now. I think it is the male. The second one, prob. female, still keeping to sandbed. It's been a week. I'm assuming she's eating something. I've not seen her eating frozen or nutra mar ova, even if I squirt it on top of her. I'll be happier when she starts climbing into the rocks. Got my starting bundle for doing my own phyto and brine shrimp eggs. Rest of supplies next week.

The RBTA is still not looking good. Not sure what or why all of a sudden it's not doing well. I did post in the forum but no clear answers. Even have 2 clowns in observation!
first pic my sand dwelling mandi
second pic my adventurous male
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Consider this my 11 month update. As I approach month 11 in 5 days, I figured I'd compare some of my coral growth and do a coral list. I didn't include new corals in the before and now pics but they are included in the full tank shot. Got most of the new corals placed--no one laugh at my ugly white splotches--I'm not really good at this poxy and glue thing and thought I wasn't using much epoxy--less than half an inch but at least all the corals stuck this time around!

Anemone is not doing well. Am going to ask on forum about removing rock it's under to the coral frag tank I still have up and going so I can watch and control lighting and flow and food

Coral update
The following corals are still not doing so well:
War coral: not fleshing out. Moved it up for more light and flow
Goniastrea: not fleshing out. Moved it up for more light and flow
Chalice: not fleshing out. Moved it back lower, bit more shaded area
Candy Cane: seems to be melting or flattening out
Favia: not really showing any growth in over six months. Wondering if I need to move it into a bit better light and flow. It's at one end of the tank
symphillia: not fleshing out. Gets a bit of flesh at night. On bottom and seems a bit better but not by much. Waiting game for this one
1 of the new zoas not doing good. It has never opened or done as well as the others.
Doing great:
2 micromussa's: nice and fleshy with feeding tentacles out
Sedosa Montipora: see pic below. Really changing
Reverse Sunset: encrusting. See pic below. Really grown
Polys and zoas: all open and looking great. Original colony really grown
Suns: nice and happy
White tipped leathers: slow to open this morning. Had hermit crab on it last night. Doing well though
Palm tree cloves: didn't look so great when I got it--a scraggly but it has more than tripled in size and looking wonderful. Encrusting
Leptastrea: finally opened and fleshed out. A bit irritated today and not open as I moved it up 2 inches and glued the frag onto the rock yesterday. Hope it opens back up
Acro: growth and good PE. Tips are white so that means it is growning
Tenius acro?: glued into perm place yesterday. Looking good. PE more toward base. Nice blue color
Duncan: what can I say but wow. From 7 heads to over 20.
gsp: encrusting and nice and wavy
Rhodactis mushroom: has now split into 4. One of the splits split
ricordia: split into 2. small one might be double in size. Main piece is big
mushrooms: orange threw a baby, blue looks like it did as well. Baby still connected by thin piece
Hammerhead: nice and open
torch: at least 3 heads if not 4
blue toadstool leather finally opened and looks good
Turbinaria: moved it higher up. First place did not like. Likes place where it is--flow is good. Fully extended and open
Birds Nest: was a tiny tip and now getting big and full. Can't even see skeleton See pic

2 chromis doing great. Love having tank main water column to selves
1 scooter blenny: doing great. Eating all my pods...
2 phyc. mandarings (blue and reds) seem to be doing okay. Only had 2 weeks. 1, the male, is now into the rocks. Female I'm not sure. She seems to keep to the sand. Must be finding pods as she's still with me. Will be ordering more pods and cultivating. Got the phytoplankton "cooking"
2 darwin clowns in QT. Both eating and doing well
1 barber shop goby in QT. Eating and active


birds nest.jpg
reverse sunset.jpg
Susan Edwards

Susan Edwards

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Yesterday was 11 months and I can honestly say I love having a reef tank, even with all the work which was a lot more than I ever thought. I was surprised to find that aside from loving to watch fish, there is a fascination with watching corals! My hubby comes home and checks out the corals every day. Hoping to have a tank in the living room and not just my office eventually.

Mandarins have made it almost 3 weeks. Just added some more pods and started my own culture. Will post my set up in separate post. Keeping an eye on the female who isn't as inclined to explore the rockwork. The male and my scooter are constantly in the rocks. I saw only one that maybe she had some stringy pale poop but haven't seen it since. Feeding baby brine and mysis to her, and the male if I see him, along with nutramar ova with all pumps off to try to train them to a variety of foods. Scooter was trained but since being returned to the DT he's fattened up on pods.

2 Darwin clowns and barber shop goby all doing good. Will probably move them to the DT next weekend. I didn't see any need to medicate so far. They too are loving the brine shrimp.

Here are some coral pics.
Rhodactis split into 4. Moving off frag onto rocks

scrambled egg zoas


radioactive dragon eyes


white tipped leather


palm tree clove

blue toadstool. Noticed today the tips are opening finally. It's taken it several weeks to "come alive" and is becoming a fast favorite
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Come Friday, I'll be adding my 2 Darwin's and Barber Shop goby to the DT. They are all eating well and appear healthy. 4 weeks observation for the clowns and 5 weeks for the goby. Now to figure out the next couple of fish I want to add. Something that occupies the water column perhaps. The chromis tend to stay to the rocks and crevices. I do miss my bi-color blenny though. The clowns are so small, they'll probaby hang in a corner. Too bad my anemone isn't doing well. Prob. not going to survive.
Top Shelf Aquatics
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Added the 2 darwin fish today to DT. They were in observation 1 day less than 4 weeks. Granddaughter coming tomorrow and I wanted her to see "nemos" in the tank. They ate well and never acted sick. Did not medicate. They seem to be adjusting to the DT , exploring and sticking together. Actually more active than the previous pair who only hung in the corners or along the back wall. Also added the barber shop goby. Manage to let it loose right where I suspect my pistol shrimp has burrowed. Since adding it way back in apr or may, I've only seen it once--when I took tank apart to catch fish to go fallow. Caught it, put it in container and it got right out. Haven't seen it since but there are signs of something burrowing in one area under the rocks. So hopeful.

Mag. is finally coming back up. Dosing 36 ml and adding another 20 a day manually. Not sure why I've had such a horrid time keeping it above 1200. Will get it to 1350, stop the manual and see how the dosing holds. If it falls again, I'll up the dosing schedule.

Refugium display is battling dinos. Might need another powerhead in there. I have one but can't find the back of it to attach it.... Notice only one damsel today. Will see if other one show up tomorrow. I was messing with tank today so hope its just hiding.

Removed rock with rbta under it. Moved it to the coral qt. If it is not dead, it's close. I noticed around the outside, not sure if foot or just back side, it is very pink/red. Infection? For the last few days my nitrates have been 80. Even with a couple water changes. Did a 25% today and right after, still 80. It makes sense that it has been caused by the anemone as it never stays at 80 like this. I even cut back on food for fish and coral last few days. Will do another watch change in the morning if I have time, or one in the late afternoon after kids go home. No amn or nitrites.

mandarins seem to be doing well. Have added pods a couple times. Also trying to target mysis and baby brine to them.

Will be removing candy cane and symphillia tomorrow. They are gone. Maybe they contributed to the high nitrates. Not sure on the war coral, or the goniastrea if they are still alive. Leptastrea and chalice on their way out and maybe one zoa which has never done well.

Found a 135 gal tank on craigslist. Sent an email asking questions. Hope they respond. 450 for tank, and stand. Pictured with close ups of sump, protein skimmer, power heads and lights so am assuming they are part of the deal. Can't go see it until next weekend. Asked for pics of the top of the tank as it is hidden by canopy. If I luck out and get it, it will be prob. six months before I do anything. A: the cost of sand and rock, B: Will upgrade the sump so more $ there, and C: want to have a handle on the plumbing and have that all the way I want before anything. I want a nice, organize and even "wow" sump area. My dream tank would be a RS reefer or one of those but the cost! For 450 I can downgrade my dream. If it's meant to be it will be.

Night pic so not good
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Feeding tanks baby brine shrimp. Trying to do one feeding a day with this. I turn off power heads for 10 minutes, turn off returns for longer and let the fish gobble away. They all seem to love the brine shrimps, even the new barber shop goby who is out of his burrow, though not far, to eat. Even the peppermint shrimp is out to get what it can. Mandarins I think are partaking as well. The chromis are little piggies and the new darwins like as well. Hoping some of the corals get some as well. I target the leathers and the micros and zoas.

Last Friday, I added the 3 fish from observation: 2 Darwin clowns & the barber shop goby. All were in qt for 4-5 weeks. No medications as all were healthy, and eating. Trying to get more live foods to build immunity. Will be adding another 2-3 fish to the observation qt tank. When I added the goby, I managed to release him where I THOUGHT the pistol shrimp was hiding. I've seen some evidence of burrowing but in all the time I've had the ps, I've seen it once and that was when I was taking rocks apart and out to get fish out in order to go fallow. Put it in a container clipped to the side and when I looked, it was gone. Figured it went back into the water but hadn't seen it since. I got the critter end of January!! I've also seen signs of it molting.

So sure enough, Goby heads under the rock. He's pretty absent for a day or so. Starting Saturday night, I'm seeing him and the shrimp. And on Sunday, they are out. Goby guarding the shrimp who is now coming out to tend the burrow. Now I've not seen this critter but once since adding it, not even at night and I've sat and watched! On and off today, I've watched the pair. It's funny how if I'm close, the goby will keep its body in front of the pistol shrimp and if I make a sudden move, it alerts the shrimp and they both duck out of sight. Right now, the goby is darting around for those brine shrimps. So happy this worked. I had tried this with the pistol shrimp as I had a tiny watchman goby but the shrimp went into the big cavern (gone now) and then the watchman died or disappeared.

So now to decide what my stocking list is. It's hard as you're limited by what the lfs has but I need to at least have a list of possibles. I think I'm going to go for a flame angel and if it misbehaves, it can go into the display refugium.

Removed the rock with the anemone to the coral qt. on Saturday. It's still alive. Trying to target feed some mysis juice with selcon and garlic added. Dau brought me 7 small frags: reverse sunset and sedosa montipora so I'll be adding coral food. Maybe it will absorb some of that. Trying to save the sucker.

Guess I lost out on the 135 tank I found as they never got back to me and the ad is gone. Bummer.

All for this update. Will post video of goby and shrimp
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@nanosteve thank you for the kind words and for checking out my build thread. Sometimes I think no one stops by <g> but I love making a sort of journal of my progress. Guess you could call it a dairy/journal build thread <g>. I try to check out other build threads for inspiration as well
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I'm hopeful that I will purchase a used 135 gal tank and stand this weekend, on Sunday for 450.00. Same tank I tried for last weekend but the craigslist ad had expired. It was relisted today! Guy is throwing in sump and protein skimmer. Sounds like a good deal. Starfire glass and a custom and well built stand. If I get it, I'll have to figure out where it goes and start researching parts for it. I can have the sand which has been in buckets but not sure if that is good to do or not. I figure when I get to the point of adding rocks, I'll just let it sit in the tank and cure/age. I'll be going slow this time around, taking my time. Guess I'll have to start a new build thread for it. And a budgeting plan and research for equipment and how to set up a sump... I'm excited.
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PURCHASED!!!!! It's actually a 125 gal not a 135. I don't think that 10 gal would have made me not consider it but I found the tank online. It's an aqueon mega overflow. Dirty and crappy as all get out. Don't get why people don't clean up stuff they sell....

Anyway, very pleased. Paid 450 for the tank, stand, a 40 gal sump and a protein skimmer. Figured I made a good haul. Then we got a good look at the stand. First, it is 4 ft tall! I'm 5'. Add another 2' for the tank and I'd be on a ladder all the time. Not a wise move. But the more we looked at it after we got home, the worse it looked--lots of damage. Decided to ditch it. Today I took a saw to the back to get the sump out. Talk about another gross mess.

Sump won't work. I'll either have to redo it or get a new one. There is a large sock chamber, really large, a skimmer section, and a huge return section. No triple baffles and all water flows under the dividers. Found a kit on ebay but not sure it will work as it is for a standard 40 gal breeder and I don't think this one is.

So dump the stand, redo the sump. Hunting for a stand now and getting frustrated. None of the images online show the backside or the inside.

So frustrations aside, I am excited. SEtting up a budget and timetable, doing research, and should go start a new build thread.
Here are some pics.
Loading onto trailer to come home. See how tall that stand is!!

Tank home and in garage waiting to be scoured

close up of overflow

20171204_115102 (1).jpg
Nutramar Foods
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Happy 1 year b'day to my tank!!! We made it a year and things are looking pretty good.

Corals seem to be happy. The new leather is just getting huge and extending long enough to really wave. The other leather isn't as nice. Prob. a different kind. It's extended just not as long or wavy. Different shape too. Suns are out. Guess I'll feed them. They were pouting due to the clown fish "loving" them too much. They aren't doing it so bad anymore. Was using a toothbrush to move them along. They actually might be exploring the tank a bit more. The goby and pistol shrimp are very cool. Never saw the pistol but once in June since I added it. Wasn't even sure it was still alive except for molting and evidence of sand movement near a rock. Now it comes out and is guarded by its pal. Love it.

Fish are all doing great. 2 chromis, 2 darwin clowns, 1 scooter blenny, 1 mandarin. The female mandarin didn't make it. Tried to qt her this week but too late. She has never done as well as the male from day one. But I have the one, so I can be happy and content. Might go get a couple more fish this weekend. Or next to add to the qt tank. Re-adding fish on the slow side.

Phyto cultures keep crashing. Pod cultures have tons. Need to read what to do--how to split and change water. Need more phyto to arrive first.

Display refugium has one sand sifting goby and 1 damsel. It is going to come down Mar-May. Don't know what to do with the goby. I don't want it back in this tank as I have corals now on the sandbed. Maybe I'll try him in the 125. Damsel might just go into this tank. Rocks and macros will go into the sump of the 125.

Have a build going for the 125. I figure I got both tanks almost to the day in November a year apart. Maybe 2 days difference.

That's it for now. Will do a more complete coral update later. Working on sump design for the 125


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@JMLewis Yes, I used biospira and a large jumbo shrimp. I never had any ammonia spike, a couple small nitrite spikes and then just nitrates but no higher than 15-20. Tank has been pretty stable, and all livestock doing well--except for some ****** off corals from their treatment yesterday...

the BTA was in a deep crevice from the time I put it into the tank on the 26th, coming up a bit, then sinking back down so far, it was hard to see. I expected it to move at some point as it wasn't in what I'd call an ideal location. I suspect it is now searching for it's permanent place and will be watching closely today. I've picked out a couple more areas if it goes floating about. Also will go search the internet again for placement preferences. A couple places it landed yesterday were strong flow areas so didn't like those. I have a nice area that is a lower flow when it goes swim-about again. Seems healthy, does eat. The torch, up until 2 times this week has never retracted. In fact, I swear it's close to double its size and is always fully extended. The sweeper tentacles are a good 4 inches above the main body now. I've seen one of the clowns looking at it, getting close and suspect it's trying to host there at night, as the retracting, twice, has been right before or after lights go out. And the clowns are thriving. They've grown a lot already and the Xenia seems to be also thriving. So using the biospira and the shrimp, my tank went thru the initial cycle much faster and I'm now doing weekly water changes but not yet rinsing the foam media in the back sump--keeping as much of the good bacteria in the tank for now. Aside from a good case of uglies, tank seems good. Waiting to see what this green algae is or does.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%