Sulfer vs BioPellet Reactors

Sean Clark

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May 16, 2019
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Did you ever get to measuring that pH on your tank? I also use a sulfurdenitrator and it works like a charm, but my pH never gets above 8.
I did test the parameters and over time I realized that, due to my setup, I was not able to accuratly measure any difference for pH, CA or Alkalinity.

I do have a second chamber full of calcium reactor media to help buffer up the pH and alk as it is running through it. The water is also recirculating through the reactor. The recirculating design keeps the parameters stable inside the reactor.

I do know that the pH and alk are dropping as nitrate is consumed. However I am not able to measure the difference while it is running.

I can also tell you that without my secondary chamber filled with CA media, the pH and alk are depleted in the effluent.

With the extra media I can not measure a difference with my hobby grade test kits.

The media in my 6 inch diamater secondary chamber has lowered about 3 inches in the last year so I can say that it is working to buffer pH, alk, and to a lesser extent Calcium/magnesium as well.

Blue Spot Octopus

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You are the best! I appreciate your quick response. Doing some research I found a replacement kit from Canada at this site: Denitrator Refill but I wasn't sure if $129.99 was a good price. Thanks again!
If that is Canadian dollars then that is a reasonable price, Marine Depot was selling theirs for 100 US.

Sean Clark

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May 16, 2019
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Did you ever get to measuring that pH on your tank? I also use a sulfurdenitrator and it works like a charm, but my pH never gets above 8.
What are you running your alk at? I never mentioned raising alk to raise pH... within reason.