Would starting over with live rock be a smart strategy? If you were able would you do it? My system is coming up on six months old. It was started with dry calcium reactor media as substrate and about 95% dry Marco rock. I did purchase a few pieces of some good live rock from an lfs. Everything was going great but over the past 2-3 months maybe the algae battle has been on going. Mind you, it’s a very mild battle, nothing compared to some of the stuff I’ve seen, thankfully. Currently I have GHA and Dino’s, again. Question is, I live in central Florida and close to TBS, the majority of the rock in my tank still has no corals attached to it so could easily be swapped out. Would it be a clutch time to remove what I have and somewhat “start over” with rock from TBS? Or am I far enough along in the process to just ride this out. The tank is growing coralline and is moving through the process well, but man I hate algae