Was wanting a green chromis for a free swimming fish but turned off by the statistics of uronema and their stress in shipping so wanting a blue fish or a highly colored fish. Tank mates will be 2 clowns, 1 firefish, 1 orange spotted goby. All living happily and thriving. Corals are all softies plus 1 gorgonian and 1 frogspawn. This is in a fluval 32.5 marine, 36x18x18 I believe in size. Was really wanting a free swimmer as last fish but limited on options obviously but guess need to settle on another colorful fish that may not be the free swimmer. So narrowed it down to either a springeri damsel or the royal gramma. Tankmates considered which would be best fit? Willing to hear some alternate ideas if any. Tank is very peaceful. Clowns are biggest fish in the tank, the female has definitely claimed it as her tank even though shes only 2 inches but does not bother the other fish, only puts the male in his place when food is around lol. Any in tank maintenance she let's my hand and arm know lol