I don't have a skimmer, just an air stone and lots of flow, with an overflow pipe. My pH does increase during lights on so that would indicate the water is not fully aerated, I'm using kalk in the day. I'm making the assumption that CO2 dissolves into water at a similar rate as oxygen, I'm sure R.H.F can fill us in on that assumption though, probably not right, lol.That was a great read, thanks!
The level of detail there is deep and I need to admit I would need more time to absorb it completely to make sure I've taken away the correct conclusions, but my read of it supports my judgement that skimmers are optional components and may also ultimately be causing us to have to purchase and import more things like trace elements than would otherwise need to. The analysis linked above seems to state that skimmers export quite a lot of beneficial elements and potentially alive beneficial biomass alongside things like phosphates.
Super interesting! It backs up my current thoughts that skimmers are a kind of bruteforce way to export a few negative elements and allow more control over the water make up at the expense of having to reimport a lot of beneficial elements at our own cost and (potentially) time.
Thanks I'll have a good read of those!