Sup reefers - pulled the trigger on a Deskmate AIO tank to put in the master bedroom. I’ve always wanted a nano setup in the room to watch at night and this fit the bill perfectly (and minimal water has to go up the stairs!). Mostly want to do flowing softies / LPS. Excited to get this cycled and add some frags I’ve been collecting.
Tank: Deskmate 4.8g AIO
Stand: Random drawer stand
Light: Deskmate Light
Pump: Sicce Micra 90GPH
Filter: 3D printed basket & floss pad
Rock: custom dry rock formation from @CuttleFishandCoral
Sand: CaribSea Fiji Pink
Salt: Red Sea
Off the bat -
The pump that came with it is incredibly loud, not going to cut it with being in the bedroom. Switched out for a Sicce pump and it’s night/day difference. Can’t hear a thing.
Replaced filter sock with a 3D printed basket & cut a few round pieces of filter floss pad to put in them.
Light is getting switched out for an AI Prime 16 - just waiting on the stand to come in. The light that came with it is cheap as expected, only on/off settings and sits more in the blue/white area.
Added some live rock in the back sump area to help with cycling the tank.
Next -
ATO setup. Tank needs water every 48hrs. Searching for a container to fit in the top drawer. It’s large enough to hold a decent sized container - I’m estimating enough to top off for a little more than a week.
Tank: Deskmate 4.8g AIO
Stand: Random drawer stand
Light: Deskmate Light
Pump: Sicce Micra 90GPH
Filter: 3D printed basket & floss pad
Rock: custom dry rock formation from @CuttleFishandCoral
Sand: CaribSea Fiji Pink
Salt: Red Sea
Off the bat -
The pump that came with it is incredibly loud, not going to cut it with being in the bedroom. Switched out for a Sicce pump and it’s night/day difference. Can’t hear a thing.
Replaced filter sock with a 3D printed basket & cut a few round pieces of filter floss pad to put in them.
Light is getting switched out for an AI Prime 16 - just waiting on the stand to come in. The light that came with it is cheap as expected, only on/off settings and sits more in the blue/white area.
Added some live rock in the back sump area to help with cycling the tank.
Next -
ATO setup. Tank needs water every 48hrs. Searching for a container to fit in the top drawer. It’s large enough to hold a decent sized container - I’m estimating enough to top off for a little more than a week.