Sick Male Bimac Anthias


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I returned from a 4 day business trip which meant my 140g system (110g display plus 30 gallon sump) was running on autopilot including being fed from an auto feeder. The only change for the fish during that time was I was not around to add in nori or do the daily feeding of frozen food. Otherwise they got 4x feeding of pellets a day. I made one of those feedings slightly larger to compensate.

When I came back my algae Blenny was dead. Unclear why. Today I saw that my male Bimac anthias seems to have popeye on the right side of its head (bulging and small amount of white cloudiness) and the left eyeball also has a white spec of cloudiness. There is also what looks like white scraps or damage on the right side of body. I have posted a video.

I did a 10% water change yesterday as part of my regular weekly maintenance. I will test water parameters later today. Last week when I tested it was as follows:

Salnity: 1.026 SG
Alkalinity: 7.7 dKh
Nitrates: 1.33 ppm
Phosphate: 0.279 ppm

All other fish seem okay. Only notable livestock addition was a Pygmy Red Rooster Scorpionfish which is only active at night and was fully quarantined from High Tide Aquatics (certified by HumbleFish). All other new fish additions are quarantined with meds other than fish which I got from Biota which I only put through an observation quarantine.

Video below of the sick Bimac:

Picture showing slight bulging on right side off head (that means left side of picture since looking head on):

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I returned from a 4 day business trip which meant my 140g system (110g display plus 30 gallon sump) was running on autopilot including being fed from an auto feeder. The only change for the fish during that time was I was not around to add in nori or do the daily feeding of frozen food. Otherwise they got 4x feeding of pellets a day. I made one of those feedings slightly larger to compensate.

When I came back my algae Blenny was dead. Unclear why. Today I saw that my male Bimac anthias seems to have popeye on the right side of its head (bulging and small amount of white cloudiness) and the left eyeball also has a white spec of cloudiness. There is also what looks like white scraps or damage on the right side of body. I have posted a video.

I did a 10% water change yesterday as part of my regular weekly maintenance. I will test water parameters later today. Last week when I tested it was as follows:

Salnity: 1.026 SG
Alkalinity: 7.7 dKh
Nitrates: 1.33 ppm
Phosphate: 0.279 ppm

All other fish seem okay. Only notable livestock addition was a Pygmy Red Rooster Scorpionfish which is only active at night and was fully quarantined from High Tide Aquatics (certified by HumbleFish). All other new fish additions are quarantined with meds other than fish which I got from Biota which I only put through an observation quarantine.

Video below of the sick Bimac:

Picture showing slight bulging on right side off head (that means left side of picture since looking head on):

Fish seems to have bite marks on body and a possible bacterial issue. This is one of the clearest videos ive seen which helps a lot. Fish should respond well in tank to Ruby Rally pro which is coral and invert safe otherwise in quarantine using Seachem neoplex with added aeration


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Fish seems to have bite marks on body and a possible bacterial issue. This is one of the clearest videos ive seen which helps a lot. Fish should respond well in tank to Ruby Rally pro which is coral and invert safe otherwise in quarantine using Seachem neoplex with added aeration
Thank you @vetteguy53081

I will purchase Ruby Rally Pro and begin treatment intank immediately when I get it. I would normally catch and treat in my quarantine setup but current have three wrasse under quarantine. May setup a second quarantine using random equipment if the intank doesn't show improvement. This male Bimac normally sleeps inside the rockwork but last night was sleeping on the sand in the corner so he could hide the more damaged eye. He normally does not have those marks on his body. Will hopefully get better.

Jay Hemdal

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I returned from a 4 day business trip which meant my 140g system (110g display plus 30 gallon sump) was running on autopilot including being fed from an auto feeder. The only change for the fish during that time was I was not around to add in nori or do the daily feeding of frozen food. Otherwise they got 4x feeding of pellets a day. I made one of those feedings slightly larger to compensate.

When I came back my algae Blenny was dead. Unclear why. Today I saw that my male Bimac anthias seems to have popeye on the right side of its head (bulging and small amount of white cloudiness) and the left eyeball also has a white spec of cloudiness. There is also what looks like white scraps or damage on the right side of body. I have posted a video.

I did a 10% water change yesterday as part of my regular weekly maintenance. I will test water parameters later today. Last week when I tested it was as follows:

Salnity: 1.026 SG
Alkalinity: 7.7 dKh
Nitrates: 1.33 ppm
Phosphate: 0.279 ppm

All other fish seem okay. Only notable livestock addition was a Pygmy Red Rooster Scorpionfish which is only active at night and was fully quarantined from High Tide Aquatics (certified by HumbleFish). All other new fish additions are quarantined with meds other than fish which I got from Biota which I only put through an observation quarantine.

Video below of the sick Bimac:

Picture showing slight bulging on right side off head (that means left side of picture since looking head on):

I don’t think your trip is related to this.

I also can’t say if the algae blenny death is related - the anthias is swimming in a “stilted” manner, is that new? The eye issues and spots on the body could be injuries, but could also be Neobenedenia flukes.

Is the scorpionfish doing well? If it brought a disease in, it would typically be showing symptoms since it is “ground zero”.


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I don’t think your trip is related to this.

I also can’t say if the algae blenny death is related - the anthias is swimming in a “stilted” manner, is that new? The eye issues and spots on the body could be injuries, but could also be Neobenedenia flukes.

Is the scorpionfish doing well? If it brought a disease in, it would typically be showing symptoms since it is “ground zero”.
This anthias is usually the tank boss alongside my Yellow Tang. He is usually swimming around the tank. Now he is mostly in the bottom corner of the tank floating a little above the sand. New behavior. I am now waiting for the Ruby Rally Pro to arrive.

The Scorpion Fish lays inside a crevice all day and only moves around at night. I have been trying to spot feed him at night with some frozen food put in front of him with a long syringe. He takes a bite once in a while but I am still trying to figure out how to get the food to stay on the sand near him (most of it floats up into the water column even though I turn all flow off when I try to feed). The Pygmy Red Rooster Scorpion Fish is super cute but it takes some effort to get him settled apparently. I have been trying to target feed every night in hopes he eats something! It has been three weeks now and the fish does not look skinny so maybe he is getting food from the rockwork. When I check in at night the Scopiom Fish will be at different spots sparing intently at the rockwork. I don't think the Pygmy Red Rooster brought in any disease since I bought him from High Tide Aquatics, a vendor that sells only quarantine livestock and using protocols certified by HumbleFish.