after introducing ich i kind of like to do it untill i set up a few QT tanks since i just want the fish to remain healthy and well fed, and i've got a porcupine pufferfish that i look to keep well fed since it makes it pretty chill , i might just get the snails and urchins as there is enough algae for hundereds of cuc, what snails have u got and recommend? i've got a thin layer of algae but it keeps regrowing.
Trochus, astraea, turbos, mix them up. Trochus can reproduce and right themselves if they get flipped in sand. They tend to be most people’s favorite.
If you currently have urchins and 5 snails, adding more cleanup crew shouldn’t be too much of a risk.
Here are some trochus snails mowing down the algae in the back of my tank. You can see the paths they clear in the algae.