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Announcement / Flash contest

We will be doing a live steam!
we will be talking about our Live sale game, rules and info.
did I almost forget mention Freebies!
yup that's right there will be a opportunity to guarantee a Freebie in your order during the Live Stream!

We are shooting for 4:30 -5pm EST to start the stream!
Lets get some hype before this starts!

Flash Contest!
Reward 5 Entries for our Giveaway
Tell us about your first Reef tank and what you learned
if you have Pics that would be great to share!

finding nemo lol GIF by Disney Pixar
1992 for my 11th birthday my sister bought me a bag of instant ocean. We went to seattle alki beach. The place was where we farmed these small little rock crabs and my mom would pickle them and sell them to other Asians.

We made sure i could gather rock and sand to take back home. The game warder didnt care.

Got home 8 hours later. Filled the tank with sand and rocks we picked up. Topped off with mixed salt water. 1 month later, picked up a blue damsel from petco. Didn't see the fish next day. Thought I had failed. A few weeks later. I saw the damsel swimming around in the morning.

Following that event would be a pearl bubble coral and a blue ribbon eel. I lost it all in 1996. My biggest heart break in my youth.

I wish i had pics.

What did i learn? If your guests can't follow household rules... Tell them to go home.
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It's just me
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Announcement / Flash contest

We will be doing a live steam!
we will be talking about our Live sale game, rules and info.
did I almost forget mention Freebies!
yup that's right there will be a opportunity to guarantee a Freebie in your order during the Live Stream!

We are shooting for 4:30 -5pm EST to start the stream!
Lets get some hype before this starts!

Flash Contest!
Reward 5 Entries for our Giveaway
Tell us about your first Reef tank and what you learned
if you have Pics that would be great to share!

finding nemo lol GIF by Disney Pixar
Man, my first reef tank... I set up a 75 with sand from someone else, rock from something else, and just started throwing corals and fish in. It was great for 5 or 6 years until I sold my house. I bought my parent's house and took the tank over but I couldn't officially move in for another 3 months so tank maintenance was severely lacking. When we finally moved in, the tank was done for so we downgraded to a 30 gallon which eventually became a brackish tank that was replaced with a bearded dragon that was replaced with the 75 reef back again (and a 5 was set up off to the side somewhere in this story). Hopefully tomorrow or next weekend the 135 is coming home!!!!!!

Current 75


It's just me
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Nov 22, 2019
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Peoria, AZ
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1992 for my 11th birthday my sister bought me a bag of instant ocean. We went to seattle alki beach. The place was where we farmed these small little rock crabs and my mom would pickle them and sell them to other Asians.

We made sure i could gather rock and sand to take back home. The game warder didnt care.

Got home 8 hours later. Filled the tank with sand and rocks we picked up. Topped off with mixed salt water. 1 month later, picked up a blue damsel from petco. Didn't see the fish next day. Thought I had failed. A few weeks later. I saw the damsel swimming around in the morning.

Following that event would be a pearl bubble coral and a blue ribbon eel. I lost it all in 1996. My biggest heart break in my youth.

I wish i had pics.

What did i learn? If your guests can't follow household rules... Tell them to go home.
Rooster Teeth Reaction GIF by Achievement Hunter


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Announcement / Flash contest

We will be doing a live steam!
we will be talking about our Live sale game, rules and info.
did I almost forget mention Freebies!
yup that's right there will be a opportunity to guarantee a Freebie in your order during the Live Stream!

We are shooting for 4:30 -5pm EST to start the stream!
Lets get some hype before this starts!

Flash Contest!
Reward 5 Entries for our Giveaway
Tell us about your first Reef tank and what you learned
if you have Pics that would be great to share!

finding nemo lol GIF by Disney Pixar

Current tank is my first reef tank...I'm trying to go slow, so other than a filefish being a jerk / attacking my clowns (one didn't survive) it's been several months since something didn't make it. Thanks to @sstephanie00's gift at Christmas, the zoa garden (which is doing best in my nano reef) includes a pair of Krak Zoas from @RiptideAquaculture :)


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THE Giveaway


Prize List:
Grand Prize: AI Hydra 32 w/ Single light mount kit

Second Prize: $350 Mystery coral box

Third Prize: $150 shopping Spree

Way to enter

Goal 1: Reward 10 Entrys : Buy shipping Module before January 8th (click here)

Goal 2:reward 3 Entrys:Tag 3 Friends as a reply to this post.

Goal 3: reward 3 entrys: Sign up for our email list Click here post screen shot of ether the confirmation or a past email you have recived from us.

Goal 4 reward 3 entrys: Share main flyer on social media of your choice IG,FB screen shot and post in the comments below!

Goal 5: reward 3 entrys: Follow us on FB at Riptideaquaculture Click here and post a screen shot as proof on comments below

Goal 6: reward 3 entrys: Follow us on Instagram
click here and post a screen shot as proof on comments below

Goal 7: reward 6 entrys: Create a account on our website Click here this will make check out very fast on sale day.

More prizes and flash contest to win more entrys everyday leading up to the sale
Good luck and lets have some fun!

Goal #1

Thanks for the module


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