Robo-Tank Controller Software - Open Source for DIY Enthusiast


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Hello, I wanted to share the web app I've been working on for anyone who is interested. It's open source, feel free to modify it or contribute your ideas if you want, the only catch is you can't profit from it, it's for you are your reef buddy's.


The app is built for a Raspberry Pi, it runs on a Pi Zero 2 W, Pi 3 and Pi 4. Currently it's not compatible with the Pi 5 as that requires the latest Bookworm OS and sadly Raspberry Pi made a lot of changes to that. It will load but you can't switch anything on/off as the way it interacts with the GPIO's have changed. At some point I will be digging into this so it works but for now you'll have to use the Legacy Bullseye 32-bit version of the operating system. You can use the Raspberry Pi Imager program to install the OS.

Here's an install script to install it.

Installing Robo-Tank App

NOTE: The Raspberry Pi username needs to be the default “pi”

Stable Version 6.6
  1. Connected to your Raspberry Pi via SSH
  2. Once connected type in the following command and press enter.
sudo wget -c
  1. Now type in the following command.
sudo unzip -o -d /boot/
  1. Now type in the following command.
sudo bash /boot/robotank/

Beta Version 6.7

  1. Connected to your Raspberry Pi via SSH
  2. Once connected type in the following command and press enter.
sudo wget -c
  1. Now type in the following command.
sudo unzip -o -d /boot/
  1. Now type in the following command.
sudo bash /boot/robotank/

This will start the installation, follow the on screen instructions.

After installing it you can go to "Settings" and then "Configure Ports" screen, at the top you'll see an "Custom" option, select that and you can configure the Pi GPIO's. By default a PCA9685 is enabled so you'll see pins for it, if you don't use you can ignore it.


The app is built on Apache server using MySQL database. The backend is a C++ program running on 4 threads with PHP and the frontend is JavaScript. You can access the database by running phpMyAdmin.

Add /phpmyadmin/ to your Pi IP address like the example below.


Username = root
Password = robotank

Main Features
  • Everything runs in real-time
  • Advanced custom rules - Control equipment using up to 2 sensors with and/or logic (water sensors, temp, humidity, pH, flow)
  • Dosing pumps with optional stirrer controls
  • Full scheduling
  • Advanced charts (Temp, humidity, flow, pH, dosing)
  • Advanced logs
  • pH monitoring and calibration
  • Temperature monitoring and calibration, DS18B20 auto detect
  • Flow meters
  • Light modes
  • Emails using SMTP
  • Auto update
  • Much more

Compatible Sensors and Equipment
  • Optical sensor
  • Non-contact sensors
  • Float switches
  • Toggle switches
  • Flow meters
  • pH
  • Conductivity (coming soon)
  • AC outlets
  • DC accessories
  • PCA9685 for PWM or Analog signals
  • Anything you can wire up for an Arduino or Raspberry Pi
To connect sensors and equipment you can use the prebuilt controller I have or you can DIY everything. Simply search terms such as "connect DS18B20 to a Raspberry Pi" and you'll find tutorials. If you need AC outlets you can use Arduino relay modules. Anyone who wants to share how they connect things feel free. Happy reefing. :)


Living the Reef Life
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Nov 18, 2012
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Fontana, California
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This looks awesome!