reef-pi User Interface (UI) development thread


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Is there any consideration for macro's to allow basic code blocks?

For example, I'd be much more comfortable writing a small procedure that could check sensor conditions with an "if statement" then perform some actions if multiple conditions are met. More complex tasks involving multiple sensors like AWC currently seem to require nested reversible macros and frankly are pretty unintuitive as they are currently.

I understand the desire to keep it all GUI and simplify things for new users, but macro's in their current form seem to penalize both basic and advanced users.
World Wide Corals


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Is there any consideration for macro's to allow basic code blocks?

For example, I'd be much more comfortable writing a small procedure that could check sensor conditions with an "if statement" then perform some actions if multiple conditions are met. More complex tasks involving multiple sensors like AWC currently seem to require nested reversible macros and frankly are pretty unintuitive as they are currently.

I understand the desire to keep it all GUI and simplify things for new users, but macro's in their current form seem to penalize both basic and advanced users.

Decided to submit as a FR-issue on the github, with an example :)


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Dashboard panel options
Could we please have some options for blank panels. Say if I want to display 5 items on a 3x2 page (or 3 on 2x2 etc), then something usually ends up being duplicated. A simple blank panel would be good for this, and I imagine should be dead simple to code in without breaking things - just an option for "empty" would do it. Also, an option for an image/logo would be nice to fill the dead space.
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Dashboard panel options part 2
(keeping with the rule of making one suggestion per post)

Further to the above idea, having custom size/layout panels would be really handy too (instead of simply x rows by y columns)
Here's a mockup of the idea:



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Custom equipment groups
If you have several relays, and a few LEDs, it would make sense to be able to group those. Perhaps one panel can contain "relays group" (or whatever the user assigns) and another "status lights" for example. Then on the dashboard, under the subgroup for equipement, you could have your status lights and relays or whatever else in separate panels.
AquaCave Logo Banner


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Multiple users with permission levels
Another thought, having had a 6 yo that wants to control the fish tank lights (it's his fishtank, afterall). Logins with reduced privileges eg. turn on/off equipment (in group x - see above post), no access to the email/configuration/admin pages. Tha'd be handy.


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Temperature graph smoothing
Many of us are using DS18B20 probes that are probably knockoffs, and not only have an annoying tendency to drop out from time to time, but also occasionally give bonkers readings. Over time, that's not an issue, but it really is screwing up the graph for me on the dashboard. Worse still, I don't know specifically of an authorised provider that makes waterproof probes, as these all seem to come from the usual eBay/Ali/Amazon sources. This issue might even happen intermittently with the real deal, but that's speculation.

My suggestion is to add some kind of measurement limit, either user adjustable or at least constrained to realistic numbers. I have a spike on one single measurement that is +1536°C (my fish are swimming in molten steel? That's hard core.) I also have some that go the other way, with a trough of -996°C (superconducting fish, below absolute zero). These seem to only happen over 1 reading, which puts a very tall, very narrow spike or trough on my graph.

Possible ways around this:
Readings outside of +x/-y (eg > 100°C or <0°C) automatically discarded
-- +/- this triggers an out of range error in the log

Also this could be generally useful for quality of life purposes:
Average readings over x readings
- if sampling at the default 60 minute interval, then sample 5 times over 2 minutes at the 60 minute mark and average the reading
-- if sampling < 5 minute intervals, then sample 3-5 times say at 30 second intervals


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Not sure if this has been noted yet, but on the Dashboard configure screen on mobile, none of the form fields for Height, Width, Cols or Rows are editable. On the desktop version, you can only use the up/down arrows on these. They should be directly editable.

Also, on the Lights that are set to manual. Can we get a slider on mobile? Perhaps also just an On/Off (full bright/full dark). I have one light under my tank I use for maintenance. Only need to turn it off and on.
Nutramar Foods

Michael Lane

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Not sure if this has been noted yet, but on the Dashboard configure screen on mobile, none of the form fields for Height, Width, Cols or Rows are editable. On the desktop version, you can only use the up/down arrows on these. They should be directly editable.

Also, on the Lights that are set to manual. Can we get a slider on mobile? Perhaps also just an On/Off (full bright/full dark). I have one light under my tank I use for maintenance. Only need to turn it off and on.
I didn't add the sliders to the mobile view due to space constraints, but I can consider adding them back in. On/Off would actually be more work, but I could see the value.


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Is it possible to implement the ADS1115 driver? I think there are several persons waiting for this driver. I have one so if I need to help with testing I would like to.
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Top Shelf Aquatics

Michael Lane

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Is it possible to implement the ADS1115 driver? I think there are several persons waiting for this driver. I have one so if I need to help with testing I would like to.
I've got a ADS1015 and I'm working on a driver. It will probably be a few weeks before its done though; I have to wrap up some Open Api documentation. I think it will be compatible with ADS1115.


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I've got a ADS1015 and I'm working on a driver. It will probably be a few weeks before its done though; I have to wrap up some Open Api documentation. I think it will be compatible with ADS1115.

Keep us posted!
These two boards are very similar, differing only in resolution and speed. The ADS1115 has higher resolution and the ADS1015 has a higher sample rate.

ADS1115 Features:
  • Resolution: 16 Bits
  • Programmable Sample Rate: 8 to 860 Samples/Second
  • Power Supply/Logic Levels: 2.0V to 5.5V
  • Low Current Consumption: Continuous Mode: Only 150µA Single-Shot Mode: Auto Shut-Down
  • Internal Low-Drift Voltage Reference
  • Internal Oscillator
  • Internal PGA: up to x16
  • I2C Interface: 4-Pin-Selectable Addresses
  • Four Single-Ended or 2 Differential Inputs
  • Programmable Comparator

ADS1015 Features:
  • Resolution: 12 Bits
  • Programmable Sample Rate: 128 to 3300 Samples/Second
  • Power Supply/Logic Levels: 2.0V to 5.5V
  • Low Current Consumption: Continuous Mode: Only 150µA Single-Shot Mode: Auto Shut-Down
  • Internal Low-Drift Voltage Reference
  • Internal Oscillator
  • Internal PGA: up to x16
  • I2C Interface: 4-Pin-Selectable Addresses
  • Four Single-Ended or 2 Differential Inputs
  • Programmable Comparator

Meerwasser Fan

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Would be great to visualize the level of water based on a optical sensor. E.g. for tracking dosing level for balling or check how much of the RODI water has been used.

To make it look nice, it could show a bottle with a percentage of what is left within.

BR Fabian
Des Westcott

Des Westcott

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Based on a comment on the main thread, a way to send a constantly scrolling "feed" to a small display module to scroll through a user selectable list of values like Temp, pH, equipment status, time??? Macro status???
Des Westcott

Des Westcott

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I was thinking I'd like to see an option in ATO to just send an Alert based on a float switch / sensor.

For example, to have in the RODI container. So if the level goes low, it just sends me an alert. Yes, I know you could set up a fake outlet and set up an alert to send after the usage exceeds 1 second, or something similar. But it would certainly be cleaner if just sending an alert was one of the options.


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It'd be great if macros could turn individual lights on and off instead of just the whole subsystem. Or, better yet, the ability to switch a light between auto and manual with a macro, or even set it to a specific value.

The application i have in mind is a photography mode that kills all flow, turns the light to 100% blue 10% white light, and goes back to normal after a while. Right now i haven't found any way to do this except manually turning the light to manual and remembering to turn it back to auto when i'm done.

Michael Lane

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ADS1015 and ADS1115 are coming soon!

I had a little mishap testing the driver for the ADS1115. I accidentally had the VDD and GND switched. I came back a few moments later and smelled a problem. I picked up the board and the IC fell right off! Woops! Oh well. Mistakes happen, and I had a spare. :)


I've been running one of each for the last day and they are looking solid so far!



Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%