Hello. I have been running reef pi for almost three years now and never had a issue until now. It's on a raspberry pi 3 b. When I want to give the fish some frozen food I always lift the float switch to turn off the pumps for 15 minutes. I've done this since day one so I can always make sure that the overflow protection float is working properly. I did it the other day and had notice the pumps weren't going back on. When I went to the equipment page the toggles would turn things off but not back on? I then rebooted and when I went back into reef pi everything was gone? All the equipment,timers and macros like it was a brand new install? It was version 4.1 I reinstalled reef pi with 5.1 but I can seem to get the float switch to shut down the pumps and the other issue that is odd is now the toggle switches are working backwards so off powers on the outlets and on shuts the outlets off? Does anyone have any ideas on what may have happened and what is happening now? Thank you for your time.