I love how the people in this industry collaborate! Benefits the vendor and customer.Taras and I spoke at ReefStock. Taras is an employee at TSA and I did share my thoughts with how Steven and Kevin can make TSA live phytoplankton/feeds more competitive. If you reach out to Taras, I even told him this in person on Sunday. Taras needs more space and more equipment. Running a business you get pulled 30 directions.
TSA did change the shipping on all their live feeds to a flat $19.99 shipping rate, which will help them sell more bottles per week. The old shipping charge was $39.99 for overnight shipping.
I've had people reach out about Reef Nutrition products, I direct them to Saltwateraquarium.com to purchase the products because at $40 you get free shipping were if you order directly from Reef Nutrition you are paying $27.50 or more per order regardless of the amount you spend.
I've had a few chats with Taras about things. I did cater the phytobox this weekend to his talk, I told Taras this is why I brought the strains I did. He was shocked that I would take a jar of Rhodomonas salina to the show to display.
I’ve been looking at the shipping costs/sizes of bottles as well on TSA/RN//Reef Legends. All great quality companies and I’m glad you’re discussing all that. Because if one is to purchase vs make their Phyto; and dose daily - cost becomes a huge factor.