Portfolio help...


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Alright, I'm an architecture student. I'm applying for upper division to get my bachelors and future masters degree's. In the back of my portfolio section I'm looking to put a photography section as it's something that intrigues me and I'm decent at it (for now). I really want to learn as much as possible about photography. Basically I'm looking for some help from some of you guys one tips and tricks. I just had my last thread and would greatly like to thank poseiden about helping me with that photo. (came out 1,000,000 times better!)

I've got these photo's of miami that I'm trying to put together. I just got photoshop cs3 from a friend tonight. Just finished loading it and I've been trying to put these pictures together...but I'm coming to the conclusion that
A. either I don't know photoshop that well (very likely)
b. These pictures weren't taken perfectly and can't be put together.
c. A and B. LOL

Here are my 3 pictures. and then when I attempted to put them together. I'm thinking that I'm going to need to go retake the photo's so they match better. Photo's were taken in an automatic mode. I believe I used a 75-300 lens, because I don't think I had my 18-55 lens yet.




I'll also probably be posting more pictures on here as I'm attempting to make a very nice portfolio. (gotta beat the showoff kid in class!) LOL I'm basically looking for some constructive criticism to help me get the best photo's, and LEARN! I really love photography...but it's pretty much a foreign language to me right now.

Any and all pointers are greatly appreciated!


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When you try and stitch images together things get tricky. If you can get to that location and shoot it again, I would. None of the buildings are very sharp so that makes the image look bad, and then your horizon is sloping from high on the left to low on the right. Landscape photography is a skill all in its own, and one that I have not tried very often.

There are other programs that may be a better (easier) choice for stitching then PS is. I am sure you can certainly do that in PS, but do a google search for "photo stitch" and see what you get. ;)


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In addition to what Poseidon offered, stitching images begins with each part of the composite being a quality image. You first need to shoot each image at the same exposure. This requires finding an average exposure setting for the whole scene. If you change exposures during the shooting process, you'll get distinct images and not the blend you're looking for. You also must use a tripod and have the camera/tripod leveled throughout the entire pan. If it is not level, your images will go up/down hill. As Poseidon mentioned, your images are not very sharp at all, suggesting they were hand held. You'll also get better results if you shoot vertical shots. In addition, you must overlap each image by about 30% to give the software a chance to match things up.

If you're going to use this in your portfolio of architectural work, I would suggest that you reconsider. This kind of shot does not effectively show an ability to do architectural photography. Architectural photography is about showing design, building features, how the building looks (exterior and/or interior) in the best possible light (some show better in early or late daylight, some at dusk/night). Consider photographing a mixture of old and new buildings with architecture that speaks to you and that you can defend/expound upon if questioned by someone more knowledgeable. You should, at least, be able to answer the questions: Why did you photograph that? What would you have done differently with that building design?

Also remember that a portfolio is a small collection (6 to 10) of your very best images. When showing your portfolio, you should not have to make any excuses for flaws in any way with any image. I could go on forever, but will stop there.



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alright. i guess I got some more explaining to do. the image was taken on a tripod. since taking that picture I have gotten a lot better at pushing the button without moving the camera. I should really buy that separate trigger buttong. I think the uphill downhill is because of the perspective of the scene (the buildings on the right are much much closer than the buildings on the left. I will try and go shoot some new pictures. Also, the reason I want this picture is because I paid about $200 for a picture of the chicago skyline (I used to live in chicago) and I found the one of miami (another $200) but I feel like it would be even more special if I took the picture!

For shooting...which setting would you recommend me be in?

My portfolio will consist of about 25 pages total. It'll be about 5 of my best models from class. those will each be about 4-6 pages each. I'm working on all those right now. and then at the back I'm looking to put a little "photography" section. we're allowed to put like an artistic hobby in the back. Some people put drawings...but I can't freehand draw for anything! lol. I'm looking to put about 5-10 pictures that will show off some diffarent things. aka. picture of a flower...skyline of miami...picture from the tank...etc etc. I also have pictures of every building in chicago, because when I went back I went on the architectural boat tour and took photo's of everything.

also...after I really look at them after reading your critique's...I see that picture 3 has the most detail. Would you agree?


  • Yes!

    Votes: 32 45.7%
  • Not yet, but I have one that I want to buy in mind!

    Votes: 9 12.9%
  • No.

    Votes: 26 37.1%
  • Other (please explain).

    Votes: 3 4.3%

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