I cannot for the life of me figure out what is going on. See below my ICP results which came back today. Manganese through the roof. I have no idea why. I am too devastated to even post pictures of the corals.
This tank receives regular water changes with red sea blue bucket.
i’m really stressed out about it, all of my hard work for the last year down the drain. Parameters (based on home tests versus icp) are as follows…
If it really is the elevated Manganese, what can I do to lower this?
EDIT: The ICP company says the safe range is .0001-.0002. I am at .046! (2,000-4,000x!!)
Temp: 80f
Sg: 1.02
Alk: 7.7dkh
Ca: 400
Mg: 1260
No3: 3
po4: .06
This tank receives regular water changes with red sea blue bucket.
i’m really stressed out about it, all of my hard work for the last year down the drain. Parameters (based on home tests versus icp) are as follows…
If it really is the elevated Manganese, what can I do to lower this?
EDIT: The ICP company says the safe range is .0001-.0002. I am at .046! (2,000-4,000x!!)
Temp: 80f
Sg: 1.02
Alk: 7.7dkh
Ca: 400
Mg: 1260
No3: 3
po4: .06
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