pico 40oz PNW build


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Mar 14, 2023
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I decided to try a pico build using PNW's 40 oz tank set up for my office (28 oz display). To make the set up more automated I added a separate system that does auto water changes and a time based ATO (i could not figure out how to make a ATO that could fit in this form factor) using peristaltic pumps (3 of them) controlled by smart outlets. this assisted set up is AWESOME and should be self sufficient for up to 30 days or so. The problem is that I still need to dose some items to keep Ph and food. There seems to be a very small group for <1 gal. It would be nice to have a thread for Pico that showcases more set ups.

some notes:
- cycled tank for 1 week
- photos are day 2 with coral (so 9 days since tank was on-line)
- the salt water that I use for my water changes comes from my other reef tank (so that it can add bio)
- no fish or CUC (i think the use of copepods and macro might be the better solution long term for bio and algae cleaning)
- looking for a smart way to dose food for lobo (for now I am just feeding directly)
- lights are automated to come on 8 and off at 7:30

Maintenance schedule:
- check salinity
- feed
- verify top off
- water change 10 oz
- replace filter floss

- verify top off
- water change 10oz

- verify top off
- clean glass
- feed
- water change 10oz

- verify top off
- water change 10oz

- verify top off
- clean glass
- feed
- water change 10oz

Sat/ Sun (not in the office)
- water change 10oz
- ATO 1oz

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