What was your goal in trying the one strain? Just a heads up I dont auto dose. I just mix the phyto in with the fish food which in turns has me dose almost every day. I go on trips and vacations for 2-4 days sometimes though and the tank is fine. Ive forgotten to add any for like a week and didnt notice any changes other than my nutrients went up a bit.i personally dont see the need to dose phyto, tank is doing great without and I like to keep it minimalistic. My tank is also designed to be self-running so I can go on holiday or away for a weekend. if I were to add more manual dosing stuff that would change
I will agree though it is hard to get an exact balance doing it my way. I also lean towards the dynamic potency of the bottle makes it near impossible to stay consistent. Plus other factors like how long has it been in my fridge, when was the last time I shook it up, how is the tank doing currently, etc.Live Phytoplankton is usually best if dosed in a automated way. Keeps consistency imo