NEW HI98319 Hanna Waterproof Salinity and Temperature Tester

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I got two. Calibrate in the same solution. Put both into tank. Shows 32.2 and 33.2. I tried this twice.
How can you explain it?
Did you rinse and dry it before and after the calibration step for both?


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Of course yes. I followed user manual
I got nothing then, lol.

My meter has always been off from my cheapo refractometer. I'd say the meter is more accurate considering when I calibrate the refractometer it usually matches the meter.

The only thing I can think of is to try and calibrate them again?


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I got two. Calibrate in the same solution. Put both into tank. Shows 32.2 and 33.2. I tried this twice.
How can you explain it?
Not defending this, but specs say accuracy is +- 1.0 ppt so it maybe within Hanna tolerance. I have found my tester to be consistent but I think it may be off .002 s g


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Hey. I also have trouble with hanna.
after calibration in my aquarium, it shows 32, and the refractometer is 35. I brought myself some frags from different people, I think let me check their salinity. My refratometer showed 35, and hanna 32.1. The temperature of the water in my bank was 25.3, the temperature of the brought 24.4


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Not defending this, but specs say accuracy is +- 1.0 ppt so it maybe within Hanna tolerance. I have found my tester to be consistent but I think it may be off .002 s g

Good point here. If the salinity is 33ppt anywhere from 32 to 34ppt is in the machine specifications.


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Add me to the calibration issue list. I have tried a few times. I am not sure if there is a temperature relation to the reading. But it definitely changes. Take the cal fluid at 65, 75 and 80 degrees, and my meter seems to calibrate different. There was mention of a temp graph on the packet, but nope. Not seeing it.
I did have my trusted refractometor checked, and it was spot on. I will do more testing but i am close to 3ppt low on the hanna. My temp is off 1 degree low it seems too, but thats easier for deal with vs calibration issues.

The other thing i wish this tester had was a hold, that would have been great.
I know that if I can't get the calibration figured out, it will be returned, or exchanged.


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ok, played with it some more, i can calibrate to whatever it thinks is good, remove it from the solution, rinse in ro/di, dry completely, wait a few minutes and put it back in the solution, and it will read say 1.5ppt higher or higher. i have seen to solution up to 38 or 39 after calibrating. seems once calibrated, then checking again its off, might be how it works, i don't know.
i would think if calibrated at 35, recheck and now 35 is 36 or 37 then something is wrong. ???

should i switch to sg ?? might not be so touchy for readings. i thought this checker would make things easier, but i seem to be chasing my tail here.
thanks much for any thoughts or ideas. been in the hobby since say 2000 or so, so not my first day on the job.


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Just unpacked mine about an hour ago (Vancouver Canada just got their release shipments), and I have to say great job @Hanna Instruments. Easy to change the options, quick to calibrate and use. I keep my tank @ 78º F on the dot, Hanna reads 77.9º F.

A water test comparison:
Hanna HI98319 - 1.025 SG
Refractometer ("calibrated"), between 1.025-1.026 SG
Milwaukee MA887 - 1.027 SG

Reagents were stamped November 2023, so they should last a good while.

by Kyl, on Flickr
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I have two of these Hanna salinity testers and both have different values for temperature and salinity. which is particularly annoying, I have to recalibrate every two days because the deviation is then just too big. at first I thought the device would be defective, but the second must also be recalibrated every two days. so that's basically not to use, really annoying ..

I use the original 35 ppt sachets of hanna, but both devices are hard to calibrate to 35 psu. only 34.9 psu! only after several attempts do they manage the 35 psu. I had to get me a larger pack of these things.
very clever of hanna. That's how you can make money!



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I sent mine back, I had 2 in my hand to compare.
Sticking with my refractometer thermometer and new bottle of 35ppt refractometer drops.
I could calibrate it in solution then check my 35ppt tank and it read 32 or so. If I calibrated in the tank, it read my second tank right on the refractometer Not sure if the conductivity reads lower, if it is accurate, lots of iffs. Could be splitting hairs 32 or 35, consistency is more important. The cal packets defiantly read different based on temp. Test at 65 degrees, and 80 degrees, the tester reads differently I adjusted the packet to 78 degrees temp, and it was closer. I decided since I was unsure and had to use my refractometer might as well keep using it
Once I expected a reading, and got it, it was very fast, clear, and easy to read. Not sure if my 2 were different from others that say they read perfect. Don't know, wanted to like it, and did, just questioned it the 1 wish would be for a hold button

Jay Z

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I had some of these issues with my apera 5052 salt pen. Got it to calibrate right by adding salt to a sample cup until 40. It then calibrated to 35. Been rock solid since then. Might help some, may not. Can turn into a long process for sure.


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The solution should be the same temp of your tank water.
It only makes sense to calibrate at the same temp you will be testing every time.
I agree with @siggy I wanted one of these but the reviews aren't the best.
They're so hit and miss.
Maybe in time it will be improved or sorted out fully.


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it's just a pity .. 90 € I have paid for such a part and thought it is easier than with a spindle .. I will buy me a reasonable reflaktometer. and deliver the hanna dinger again.


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My thought is to calibrate every month, it should be quick, accurate and easily repeatable It calibrates quickly and automatically

For sure calibrating should be done at tank temp, or 77 but there was some thought it had auto compensation,

If i wasn't so attached to my refractometer, I really would have liked it.


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well, the new one read about the same, i also ordered calibration drops for my refractometer, to make sure that was right on.
i decided after a couple calls to BRS to send them back, here is the exchange and what they have told me about it. Mind you on the phone, they advised i send them back , i did calibrate them to my tank water, then they read as expected, but low with the calibration solution.

BRS .......Thanks for reaching out to us. Our testing results from yesterday stated the HI98319 Marine Salinity Tester was not defective and we were able to calibrate to the standard and test tank water accurately. For our next steps we can either send it back, if not issue you a refund minus 10% for the restocking fee. If you have any further questions please let us know. Hope to hear from you soon!

Me........Hmm, strange. Reading ppt?? Or something else? At what temp was the calibration fluid?? I called a few times trying to resolve why the temp and the calibration read low. And why I was unable to calibrate it and re read the calibration fluid at 35 again. I purchased some of your 35pt refractometer solution to verify my refractometer was at 35, then tested the tank at 35. I would calibrate the new meter, then test the tank it read 32, if I were to calibrate it in the 35ppt tank, then it read the second tank as expected in comparison to the refractometer. If I calibrated it in the included packets it read both tanks low. When I called I was told to send them back, no problem.
What am I missing here??

BRS.......The product is really only intended for testing fresh mixed saltwater and not for testing tank water due to contaminates can interfere with the reading. Along with that if you don't let it settle you can get inaccurate results and ambient room temperature is recommended for the fluid. If you have any further questions please let us know.

what ??? sounds like my best bet is to pay the restocking fee and be done. I don't buy for a second these are only intended for new water, that would indicate that i need a different device to check tank water ?? Makes me wonder if it was calibrated by them at all, or if they just went off my tank calibration and dunked it in and said it was good. Room Temp, my room might be 65, another might be 80, easy to see the meter reads different at different temperatures. I had a seperate thermometer in the water in a cup floating the calibration packet, to bring to different temperatures.. the ppt was definitely different.
i wanted to like this, thats why they sent out a second one. i guess 10% to be done is a price i am willing to pay. Part of me wants to drive up there with my refractometer, and watch them calibrate, test, and then compare to my calibrated with their solution refractometer. The refractometer drops were purchased the same time as the 2nd meter was sent.


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well, the new one read about the same, i also ordered calibration drops for my refractometer, to make sure that was right on.
i decided after a couple calls to BRS to send them back, here is the exchange and what they have told me about it. Mind you on the phone, they advised i send them back , i did calibrate them to my tank water, then they read as expected, but low with the calibration solution.

BRS .......Thanks for reaching out to us. Our testing results from yesterday stated the HI98319 Marine Salinity Tester was not defective and we were able to calibrate to the standard and test tank water accurately. For our next steps we can either send it back, if not issue you a refund minus 10% for the restocking fee. If you have any further questions please let us know. Hope to hear from you soon!

Me........Hmm, strange. Reading ppt?? Or something else? At what temp was the calibration fluid?? I called a few times trying to resolve why the temp and the calibration read low. And why I was unable to calibrate it and re read the calibration fluid at 35 again. I purchased some of your 35pt refractometer solution to verify my refractometer was at 35, then tested the tank at 35. I would calibrate the new meter, then test the tank it read 32, if I were to calibrate it in the 35ppt tank, then it read the second tank as expected in comparison to the refractometer. If I calibrated it in the included packets it read both tanks low. When I called I was told to send them back, no problem.
What am I missing here??

BRS.......The product is really only intended for testing fresh mixed saltwater and not for testing tank water due to contaminates can interfere with the reading. Along with that if you don't let it settle you can get inaccurate results and ambient room temperature is recommended for the fluid. If you have any further questions please let us know.

what ??? sounds like my best bet is to pay the restocking fee and be done. I don't buy for a second these are only intended for new water, that would indicate that i need a different device to check tank water ?? Makes me wonder if it was calibrated by them at all, or if they just went off my tank calibration and dunked it in and said it was good. Room Temp, my room might be 65, another might be 80, easy to see the meter reads different at different temperatures. I had a seperate thermometer in the water in a cup floating the calibration packet, to bring to different temperatures.. the ppt was definitely different.
i wanted to like this, thats why they sent out a second one. i guess 10% to be done is a price i am willing to pay. Part of me wants to drive up there with my refractometer, and watch them calibrate, test, and then compare to my calibrated with their solution refractometer. The refractometer drops were purchased the same time as the 2nd meter was sent.

then it is not clear who is deceiving hanna with his advertisement, clearly measuring the salinity in the aquarium on the advertising video: or shop consultant

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