New apex trident?


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May 28, 2022
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Why is it always the Trident is wrong and the Hanna is correct? I’ve seen plenty of false readings with Hanna (and other test kits.)

To say the calibration solution is wrong, you would need to test it with multiple kits and see if they line up. Until then, we’re just assuming one is right and one is wrong and we’re picking the right one based on what we WANT to be right.

I’ve replaced the reagents on my Trident multiple times and never calibrated it. The calcium and magnesium have been spot on from day one. The alkalinity has read 1dkh low compared to my Salifert kit but I’m not going to calibrate or freak about it. I just know it’s 1dkh off and run it accordingly. I’m not worried about the exact numbers but the trends.
Funny you mention the trident was 1.0 lower than hanna,
I tried to cal the trident a salifert result with tank water and it wouldn’t stick.
Finally I sent off an ICP and did took measurements with trident and salifert at the same time. When the icp came back it matched the trident within 0.04 dkh. So now i’m just going with trident.
Recently switched to abc reagents and their cal solution and things seem just fine. I calibrate every two months.

The No3 and PO4 math ed my hanna checkers

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

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