New 180 Build - Mini Coop's Dream Tank



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Nice job so far!! How are the fish doing?


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Wow Jenna!!! Your tank is coming along amazingly! I love the aquascape, am totally jealous that you have a basement to put all the filtration in, and I have to say that I completely and totally get how excited you were about the light for the Coral QT. lol The fishies are looking great as well! I'm so excited for you!!!
Top Shelf Aquatics
Mini Coop

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Nice job so far!! How are the fish doing?

Wow - the legendary @revhtree on my build thread! I am honored! :) Thanks for stopping by!
The build is going well, but VERY slow! I am being very careful not to rush! We could have done the turbo start with clowns this week, but we had a lot of things going on that have delayed the actual start of cycling. Plus trying to hook up the Apex! (This is WAY more complicated than I had anticipated with the lights and the pumps!).

The fish are doing great!! I decided not to treat right away. I am feeding Larry's, mysis, pellets and flakes and also using selcon now that I ordered it. I haven't really seen the goby's eat, but they are acting fine and always go crazy when I go to the tank. The cardinals come right up to the hole that I feed them in when I come down in the evenings too! Its great! I have not seen the fins get worse, and everyone looks healthy, so I am going to just keep observing!

We are also supposed to get a huge snow/ice storm this weekend - so I will be glad to only really have to worry about the QT if the power goes out.

2 insurance policies on the tank are purchased - Apex and a generator. Just picked up the generator tonight! So we will be glad to have it tomorrow! Should be able to run QT and the return pump off of that.

Any apex advice would be great! I am researching as much as I can! I have an MP40, Maxspect Gyre and kessils to hook in. Those are the main difficulties. I can re-program the other outlets for heaters and stuff no problem!
Mini Coop

Mini Coop

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Wow Jenna!!! Your tank is coming along amazingly! I love the aquascape, am totally jealous that you have a basement to put all the filtration in, and I have to say that I completely and totally get how excited you were about the light for the Coral QT. lol The fishies are looking great as well! I'm so excited for you!!!

Thank you so much!! Miss you - don't see you on as often!! I am excited too!! The basement has been great! So excited to have all the "ugly" stuff hidden. Now we have a bunch of little stuff that I need my husband's help with and it feels like we are at a stand still and it is taking forever. But, we didn't spend all this time to screw it up. So we will continue to chip away and make sure to get it right!
Mini Coop

Mini Coop

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So - update January 11:
This week has been pretty terrible. We found my father-in-law on the floor of his apartment Monday night after not being able to get a hold of him. He had been there since Friday! I had just talked to him Friday afternoon. We usually talk to him about every other day. The police met my husband and his brother and they got him to the hospital. He is on the mend, but it was pretty scary. They are doing dialysis for him as his kidneys were failing, and he has some major major blood clots. We are now having to deal with getting him to assisted living, which is going to be a battle.
(Bama won Monday night - so that was the one positive - ROLL TIDE).

Then - my son, who has dealt with ear infections but has tubes, so has been good for about 8 months, got another ear infection. I took him to Nationwide Children's today, and we found that the tube has come out :( So - now we treat this infection, and hope he doesn't get another one or we are looking at surgery again along with adenoids. Praying that doesn't happen!

This was also supposed to be our first week back from Christmas break . . . thank goodness my boss and our school district have been amazing! (my husband is a principal and I am the Instructional Tech Coordinator for the same school district).

So - ok - sorry - lots of personal info . . . anyway . . . that has put things on hold a bit this week. However . . . we have an APEX hooked up! All of the probes, salinity, ORP, temp and PH seem to be hooked up and doing well! I had to change the location of the salinity to the tub for accuracy, but it seemed to help to have a little more flow. The return pump and heaters are in downstairs no problem, we just need to run the extension cords along the ceiling and mount them.

Now - upstairs is a different story. MP40, Maxspect Gyre 250 and 3 Kessil lights. Can anyone give me a comprehensive list of the equipment I need to buy to make this happen? I have 3 cords for the kessil's that are each male/male "headphone jack" cords to hook into their controller. I know I am going to need some things, I just would like to get it all at once. Some look like I need the wireless expansion module, but I have the eb832, so will the jack hook into that? Any help on this front would be appreciated! I probably would like to hook all 3 lights together as well? Benefits of that or hook them separately? Not sure what I am doing on this front.

THANK YOU!! (you would think there is just a "here - if you need to hook up a kessil to apex - here is the equipment you need" area - but there is not that I have found, so I will compile and put here in my thread! :)
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So - update January 11:
This week has been pretty terrible. We found my father-in-law on the floor of his apartment Monday night after not being able to get a hold of him. He had been there since Friday! I had just talked to him Friday afternoon. We usually talk to him about every other day. The police met my husband and his brother and they got him to the hospital. He is on the mend, but it was pretty scary. They are doing dialysis for him as his kidneys were failing, and he has some major major blood clots. We are now having to deal with getting him to assisted living, which is going to be a battle.
(Bama won Monday night - so that was the one positive - ROLL TIDE).

Then - my son, who has dealt with ear infections but has tubes, so has been good for about 8 months, got another ear infection. I took him to Nationwide Children's today, and we found that the tube has come out :( So - now we treat this infection, and hope he doesn't get another one or we are looking at surgery again along with adenoids. Praying that doesn't happen!

This was also supposed to be our first week back from Christmas break . . . thank goodness my boss and our school district have been amazing! (my husband is a principal and I am the Instructional Tech Coordinator for the same school district).

So - ok - sorry - lots of personal info . . . anyway . . . that has put things on hold a bit this week. However . . . we have an APEX hooked up! All of the probes, salinity, ORP, temp and PH seem to be hooked up and doing well! I had to change the location of the salinity to the tub for accuracy, but it seemed to help to have a little more flow. The return pump and heaters are in downstairs no problem, we just need to run the extension cords along the ceiling and mount them.

Now - upstairs is a different story. MP40, Maxspect Gyre 250 and 3 Kessil lights. Can anyone give me a comprehensive list of the equipment I need to buy to make this happen? I have 3 cords for the kessil's that are each male/male "headphone jack" cords to hook into their controller. I know I am going to need some things, I just would like to get it all at once. Some look like I need the wireless expansion module, but I have the eb832, so will the jack hook into that? Any help on this front would be appreciated! I probably would like to hook all 3 lights together as well? Benefits of that or hook them separately? Not sure what I am doing on this front.

THANK YOU!! (you would think there is just a "here - if you need to hook up a kessil to apex - here is the equipment you need" area - but there is not that I have found, so I will compile and put here in my thread! :)

Wow. That's quite the whirlwind you've been through. I hope your father-in-law pulls through quickly and I hope your son is able to kick that infection with no issues.

I've never hooked kessils up to an apex, but if you have the spectral controller (which it looks like you do) then you should be able to use that without issue. Again, I've never played with one of those before so I'm no help there.

My best help in this situation is to say that you are doing a great job. Taking your time with the set up and beginning stages is one of the hardest parts of this hobby. Getting it right the first time is key to not having a headache later on.

Thank you so much!! Miss you - don't see you on as often!! I am excited too!! The basement has been great! So excited to have all the "ugly" stuff hidden.

I know I've been MIA for a while now, but I've just been spending a lot more time with my family lately. I got a little burned out here and had to step away for a bit. I've been feeling the "itch" to come back though and really see what's been going on during my absence.


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I have 3 cords for the kessil's that are each male/male "headphone jack" cords to hook into their controller. I know I am going to need some things, I just would like to get it all at once. Some look like I need the wireless expansion module, but I have the eb832, so will the jack hook into that? Any help on this front would be appreciated! I probably would like to hook all 3 lights together as well? Benefits of that or hook them separately? Not sure what I am doing on this front.

To control the Kessil you do need the VDM.
Without a VDM, you will only be able to control power (ON/OFF)
To connect the Kessil (not sure which model you have) you need cable P/N KA360C1 - this is a Kessil product, last time I looked it was in back order.
Not sure but if you have 3 lights you might need 2 VDM's as you can hook only two up at the same time.
Ugh, there goes the budget.
IMO I would just hook them up to the EB8 with a ON/OFF program but with 15 min interval between each light to create a sunrise and vise versa.
IMO sooner or later you will realize that these kessils will be not sufficient as they will give you a lot shade areas.
You can find much better lights for less
Just to think that a tank your size needs a minimum of 3 Radions but to be save 4.
If you are into the SPS game which you're not but 5 is a must.
I have done a 2.5 years of test 5 years ago with ecotech to figure that out.
I might have still 5 Radions Gen 2 laying around in my shop somewhere in a dusty box.


s-l500.jpg>Brand>Neptune>Exact (MAP)&utm_term=neptune vdm&utm_content=neptune vdm
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Mini Coop

Mini Coop

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Wow. That's quite the whirlwind you've been through. I hope your father-in-law pulls through quickly and I hope your son is able to kick that infection with no issues.

I've never hooked kessils up to an apex, but if you have the spectral controller (which it looks like you do) then you should be able to use that without issue. Again, I've never played with one of those before so I'm no help there.

My best help in this situation is to say that you are doing a great job. Taking your time with the set up and beginning stages is one of the hardest parts of this hobby. Getting it right the first time is key to not having a headache later on.

I know I've been MIA for a while now, but I've just been spending a lot more time with my family lately. I got a little burned out here and had to step away for a bit. I've been feeling the "itch" to come back though and really see what's been going on during my absence.

Thank you! Glad to have you back, but completely understand, especially the capacity you were giving, needing to spend more time with your family! Family always comes first! But you have been such an influence on me, I am glad you are here!

Thanks for the apex help. @Diesel helped to shed light! And yes, @Diesel - I was hoping to add radions/t5's later as budget allows. Again, I had no idea of the cost of the extra modules for the Apex. They will go onto my list to save for! The only reason I have 3 kessils is that I got them from my coral guy at a big discount. I knew eventually I would need to add to them, and they would become the supplemental lights. If you have dusty ones, you know someone that could use some o_O

I would really like to get into SPS. Maybe after tank is stable for about 6 months. The more I see them, the more I like them and think they could really make my tank spectacular!


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Thank you! Glad to have you back, but completely understand, especially the capacity you were giving, needing to spend more time with your family! Family always comes first! But you have been such an influence on me, I am glad you are here!

Thanks for the apex help. @Diesel helped to shed light! And yes, @Diesel - I was hoping to add radions/t5's later as budget allows. Again, I had no idea of the cost of the extra modules for the Apex. They will go onto my list to save for! The only reason I have 3 kessils is that I got them from my coral guy at a big discount. I knew eventually I would need to add to them, and they would become the supplemental lights. If you have dusty ones, you know someone that could use some o_O

I would really like to get into SPS. Maybe after tank is stable for about 6 months. The more I see them, the more I like them and think they could really make my tank spectacular!

I will be not at my shop till the 23th.
Got finish the season strong on the deerlease.
Hoping I will keep rubber down this time around as I don't need another roll over.
World Wide Corals
Mini Coop

Mini Coop

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Alright - big updates today!!!

I know a fish room is never done . . . but for what I have now, the fish room is DONE!!!!!!!!
We were busy bees today!

First: We worked on the net tops for the tank! My husband helped and so did my boys! Well, they "helped". And excuse us - its a long weekend and we had a heck of a week - it is pajama day - yep. It is 5:45 p.m. and I am STILL in my pajamas. Don't judge. :) .

Fish Room tour - again - when it finally looks decent!
Quarantine tank 1: Currently hosting 2 Black ocelaris Clowns - I am QT'ing for my sister in law, who got her first fish for my 120 that she is keeping!


Quarantine tank 2 - hosting my fishies. And all organized underneath. Each tank has its own drain and fill tubes and equipment.
I realize this is not perfect - disease CAN go airborn. However, I am already using a lot of space. I do have another table that I can move any tank that I find disease in, or need to use as hospital tank to. However, I would still need to run power to it. So, for now, we cross our fingers and pray for no airborn diseases.


Quarantine tank 3: For corals and inverts. Hosting 3 corals from my 120 - I am almost positive they don't have any problems, but am dipping for bristle worms and QT'ing just to be safe.

The Main system!! IT is done! All is hooked to apex - except my ATO, which I will get back this week!! :) . Ran 14 gage extension cords up the right side, along the rafters and down into the apex. The board separates the water from electrical! There are drop loops on everything that needs them.

The Motherboard with room to grow! I still have some wire management and need furniture grommets. I know it isn't as pretty as some of yours, but it is mine! Apex brain is in a glass cabinet on the right with plenty of room to add more modules! :) .


The water area! Currently, the large can has rock curing. The small one has water running in it to mix for the QT tanks so I have some on hand. My dad was able to pick up 2 35 gallon clear food grade containers from a friend for free. So, the next big project will be building the mixing station. It will theoretically go under the RO system, but I am trying to figure out the ATO and how to make all that work from a distance.

We are officially ready to start CYCLING!!!!!

If you are following along, please notice, I started this thread and had water in the tank about 2 weeks ago. But I did NOT officially start cycling until my temps are good, my plumbing is solid, all drains and emergency situations that could come up have been tested.

My first tank, my 120 was never cycled properly. So, this will be my first time cycling for real. I know this is controversial, but I have asked and done TONS of research from local people, talked to people here on R2R as well as the LFS here in town. I purchased Fritz Turbo start. Not to cheat or go faster. Not at all. Trust me, I am not rushing anything at all with this thing. I just feel if I can avoid the ammonia spike, it would be better. So - I will be getting my clowns from my 120 (if I can catch them) and putting them in with the turbo start. The nitrifying bacteria need ammonia to feed on, and the clowns will provide that. Once I add them with the bacteria, the tank will STILL CYCLE for 6-8 weeks with JUST them in it!! I will have an ammonia badge on the DT and be testing twice a day with the API kit as well. I tested this with my QT tank as well. I think I mentioned that earlier. No ammonia spike after 2 weeks. And I have always struggled with that.
So - here we go! Hopefully I can update tomorrow if all goes as planned!

????? Questions: (If you have made it reading this far)
1. I have rock curing in RODI water - it has been curing for about 4 weeks now. I wanted to test the nitrates, nitrites and ammonia to see where I am at with curing, but will API test kits work with RODI water?

2. Well, there was a 2 . . . and now I can't remember. So - thats all! :) .


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First off, I only skimmed posts and saw leaking bulkhead and gurgling drains.

Here's my two cents:

Bulkhead: it doesn't matter what way the bulkhead is installed, regardless, the gasket always....always goes on the flange side. Doing anything on the nut side is a waste of time.

Drains: if it's not draining correctly, also try moving the dursos up or down.....they should be adjustable this way. The picture you showed appears to be up too high.
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Alright - big updates today!!!

I know a fish room is never done . . . but for what I have now, the fish room is DONE!!!!!!!!
We were busy bees today!

First: We worked on the net tops for the tank! My husband helped and so did my boys! Well, they "helped". And excuse us - its a long weekend and we had a heck of a week - it is pajama day - yep. It is 5:45 p.m. and I am STILL in my pajamas. Don't judge. :) .
View attachment 652043 View attachment 652044 View attachment 652045 View attachment 652046 View attachment 652047 View attachment 652048

Fish Room tour - again - when it finally looks decent!
Quarantine tank 1: Currently hosting 2 Black ocelaris Clowns - I am QT'ing for my sister in law, who got her first fish for my 120 that she is keeping!

View attachment 652053
Quarantine tank 2 - hosting my fishies. And all organized underneath. Each tank has its own drain and fill tubes and equipment.
I realize this is not perfect - disease CAN go airborn. However, I am already using a lot of space. I do have another table that I can move any tank that I find disease in, or need to use as hospital tank to. However, I would still need to run power to it. So, for now, we cross our fingers and pray for no airborn diseases.

View attachment 652056

Quarantine tank 3: For corals and inverts. Hosting 3 corals from my 120 - I am almost positive they don't have any problems, but am dipping for bristle worms and QT'ing just to be safe.
View attachment 652057

The Main system!! IT is done! All is hooked to apex - except my ATO, which I will get back this week!! :) . Ran 14 gage extension cords up the right side, along the rafters and down into the apex. The board separates the water from electrical! There are drop loops on everything that needs them.
View attachment 652058
The Motherboard with room to grow! I still have some wire management and need furniture grommets. I know it isn't as pretty as some of yours, but it is mine! Apex brain is in a glass cabinet on the right with plenty of room to add more modules! :) .

View attachment 652059 View attachment 652060
The water area! Currently, the large can has rock curing. The small one has water running in it to mix for the QT tanks so I have some on hand. My dad was able to pick up 2 35 gallon clear food grade containers from a friend for free. So, the next big project will be building the mixing station. It will theoretically go under the RO system, but I am trying to figure out the ATO and how to make all that work from a distance.
View attachment 652061

We are officially ready to start CYCLING!!!!!

If you are following along, please notice, I started this thread and had water in the tank about 2 weeks ago. But I did NOT officially start cycling until my temps are good, my plumbing is solid, all drains and emergency situations that could come up have been tested.

My first tank, my 120 was never cycled properly. So, this will be my first time cycling for real. I know this is controversial, but I have asked and done TONS of research from local people, talked to people here on R2R as well as the LFS here in town. I purchased Fritz Turbo start. Not to cheat or go faster. Not at all. Trust me, I am not rushing anything at all with this thing. I just feel if I can avoid the ammonia spike, it would be better. So - I will be getting my clowns from my 120 (if I can catch them) and putting them in with the turbo start. The nitrifying bacteria need ammonia to feed on, and the clowns will provide that. Once I add them with the bacteria, the tank will STILL CYCLE for 6-8 weeks with JUST them in it!! I will have an ammonia badge on the DT and be testing twice a day with the API kit as well. I tested this with my QT tank as well. I think I mentioned that earlier. No ammonia spike after 2 weeks. And I have always struggled with that.
So - here we go! Hopefully I can update tomorrow if all goes as planned!

????? Questions: (If you have made it reading this far)
1. I have rock curing in RODI water - it has been curing for about 4 weeks now. I wanted to test the nitrates, nitrites and ammonia to see where I am at with curing, but will API test kits work with RODI water?

2. Well, there was a 2 . . . and now I can't remember. So - thats all! :) .

Yes, it will work just fine. Is it fresh or salt RODI? Better off using salt so that it can age a bit too :)
Mini Coop

Mini Coop

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First off, I only skimmed posts and saw leaking bulkhead and gurgling drains.

Here's my two cents:

Bulkhead: it doesn't matter what way the bulkhead is installed, regardless, the gasket always....always goes on the flange side. Doing anything on the nut side is a waste of time.

Drains: if it's not draining correctly, also try moving the dursos up or down.....they should be adjustable this way. The picture you showed appears to be up too high.

Thank you! Yes. Gaskets were on the correct side. It was just not tight enough. I was arrears to tighten too tight and crack the glass!

The drains are good now too. I had too much water trying to flow down them. Turned Down the return pump a bit and they are good to go!!

Mini Coop

Mini Coop

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Yes, it will work just fine. Is it fresh or salt RODI? Better off using salt so that it can age a bit too :)

I was using fresh RODI. Still work?

What do you mean age? I’ve just been using freshwater with a pier head and heater.
I did dip them in bleach water before the intital soak. But was afraid to soak them in bleach water and have been careful to rinse them a lot.
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Saltwater test kits don't work on freshwater, period.
You need freshwater test kits to do so but it's a waste of time and money.
Slowly move your rock into the sump as they will cycle with your tank.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%
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