I have a Neptune and i wanted to set up a virtual output. One that allows me to do maintenance and or feed. i find when i turn off my cor-15 return pump after shutting everything off individually to feed, bubbles sputter from my return line. Just trying to figure out how id slow the pump and gradually bring it back up to speed after a few minutes. Also programming this outlet to shut off pump, skimmer, 2 wavemakers while feeding for 10-15 minutes then turning on. Plus i wanted my alarm to sound if there's leak detected with the leak detector i got with my neptune. the audible alarm on the apex would be ideal to sound off if this happened but not sure how to set the configuration or put in codes. I know i sound dumb but this is new to me but ready and willing to learn if anyone has the time to explain to me in "dummy" terms.
any help would be nice.75 gallon tank with corals and a new kole tang and rabbitface that id like to keep happy
any help would be nice.75 gallon tank with corals and a new kole tang and rabbitface that id like to keep happy