Neptune APEX Reliability (Shocking in my experience!)



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Neptune has absolutely horrid reliably. The build quality is laughable. Price/performance is horrendous and if anyone read reviews from people WHO HAVE ACTUALLY USED MORE THAN ONE BRAND OF CONTROLLER, they would never go near Neptune.

After power-bar failures (which ended up dumping entire ATO) modules constantly going offline, pH that would shift .2 within a couple days after calibration, Flow Sensors randomly resetting to 0, constant disconnects from the web, man... the list goes on and on. At one point I had a chat support rep leave me hanging for about 20 min. I check in to see if hes still there and he says "on a support call." I was confused and asked if it was related to the issue he was helping me with... nope. He just took a support call and I sat there like an idiot for an hour.

On top of MANY MANY issues I had the last and final straw happen today. : I'm currently upgrading to GHL and decided to downgrade the 2016 to Apex Classic while I sell the other stuff. Fusion was working but the Apex Classic Dashboard wouldn't show up. So on a phone support the guy deleted some programming to resend it to basically reset the unit. HE BRICKED THE ENTIRE THING. I kid you not. And now, in typical Neptune fusion, I'm expected to pay for shipping and repair. I actually considered keeping the Classic for Radion control but I'm finally fed up. I can't believe I even considered holding on to one of their products. But now I guess I'm free. Good riddance.

This company will make you jump through hoops in order to avoid taking responsibility for their shoddy products. Of all the software/hardware companies I've worked with in the last 30+ years, even outside the hobby, Neptune has been the worst in terms of their products/support/warranty-policies/snide PR reps.

I could rant about this company and their anti-consumer behavior all day. So frustrating. There is no way they would be where they are, if they weren't such good bedfellows with BRS. Not a chance.

I have heard this story SSSOOOOO many times form so many different people and have lived through it myself. I am so surprised how they are still growing and making it from day to day. So many people has lost so much money to this company, including me. I wish more people would file with the BBB and make it more known out there.

Jon Fishman

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People should dump them and go with GHL or DHL or WWJD or whomever is making controllers these days! Vote with your wallets!!!!

Anyone have a salinity and ORP probe, and DOS for a good price, PM me!


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I have been running an Apex Jr with many extras like power bars, PM1 and PM2s, FMM, etc, and it has been rock solid for three years. I also have two other Apex Classics that are less extensively connected, but also no issues. Bought everything used at the time, no idea how much use they had before me.

I see these complaints about reliability now and then, and wonder if they are tied to the more recent editions? I also have mine wired to ethernet, wonder if that makes a difference?

with me it was the new and added stuff to it also. I had a jr and the el at the same time and never had issues with the jr. and the issue I have with the el is the other products like wav, sensors, ato pump, ddr, and the customer service. I mean they built the ddr and after they replaced the 2nd one in a month told me not to get the top of it wet. I mean come on the thing holds fluids and should be built to get wet. They also told me that they would not warranty it anymore. how can you not warranty you product that you build? I cant help that you built it poorly and put it out there for people to buy. they told me I need to buy this and buy that for a back up to make sure their products are doing what they should. WHAT!!!???? so spend more money to make sure this over price thing you sell is doing what it is supposed to do? Their just trying to rake in as much money as they can before they go out of busy. They should had stayed with the original stuff and kelp building like they did that stuff as well.


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I had to get a wifi extender that had a port on it so I could plug the Apex directly to it. Kind of ridiculous that we have to "trick" the unit into staying connected. And of course, if you talk to Neptune about it, its always user error. They take zero responsibility for things going wrong.

amen, I posted something earlier about this but they wanted me to buy other thing to back up their product to make sure its working correctly. They replaced 2 DDR in a month and then told me not to get the top wet and they would not replace another one because I got fluid on the top and its not designed to get wet on top, the freaking thing holds fluid why would you make something that holds fluid not able to get wet on top and then not replaced it with its their poor design? why wouldnt you seal the area where parts are that cant get wet? why? they wanted to make it as cheap as they could and didnt care.


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I wish more people would file with the BBB and make it more known out there.

The BBB is basically Yelp for old people. It isn't a government agency and has no bearing on a business' operations.


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I don't know man, I think the apex stuff is inexpensive. Compare it to more 'professional' controls for aquariums, and it is mega inexpensive.

you need to do a little more price check, exact product for product. Not just this kit for that kit that has less.


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I have had the Apex Classic ( bought used in 2014) and the Apex 2016 since 2017, I have had two issues with them both were the display and one was my fault. I broke the cable.
I have everything with them except the Trident, the DDR and the WAV’s.
I have COR15 as well, Run Ecotech Virtech’s and Radion’s off it also.
No issues as with those either. The Vortechs( MP10’s are Ran off it.

My two issues were resolved quickly and easily by tech support.

I don’t know if I’m just lucky or what but all of the APEX components except for the two DOS’s are in a separate cabinet from the tank stand . Maybe this is it?

I would imagine that there are many more of us out there that have had no issues, as there are people that have had issues.

I love my APEX it has saved my butt several times I’ve the the course of the past six years and I’m very happy I have it

the issues are not with the older models.


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I was being sarcastic (sort of)

That said: It's all relative and I think price/performance is important in the context of what is considered "inexpensive" vs "cheap." And Neptune's playschool design, plasticy build quality, and pathetic reliability certain make it "cheap."

Edit: it seems some people struggle with understand what an opinion is. So just to be clear, this is my opinion.
like a lot of peoples as well.


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yeah plenty with newer models

Do you have any data? Or just some anecdotes from annoyed people who rant online. Have you considered making a poll regarding the reliability of people’s apex system? Or do you just prefer pulling claims out of your..... aquarium ;)


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all and all neptunes biggest issue is the customer service and the warranty coverage they need some consistent with it across the board. a lot of bad things can happen with things but if you step up and treat people right it over shades those things in a lot of ways.


Never to salty, Just don't go over 35.
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Do you have any data? Or just some anecdotes from annoyed people who rant online. Have you considered making a poll regarding the reliability of people’s apex system? Or do you just prefer pulling claims out of your..... aquarium ;)

Well sense I have had both older and the newer unit and running them both at the same time on 2 different tanks I think I do yeah, thanks.
Top Shelf Aquatics


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It was noted somewhere in the 9 pages here that it is a good idea, regardless of the manufacture, to house the controller electronics away from the sump area when possible.

I don't have data either way to say or support this other than to me it is somewhat common sense. My Apex and associated modules are outside the sump area unless it is designed to be wet. The only thing at the moment that is near the sump is the dosing unit (which I can move but haven't yet) and the trident. I may be able to move that but again haven't. This lazy thing I have going on.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

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  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

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  • Full colony.

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  • Other.

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