Thanks, I didn’t know all of that. Well if that is the case, that is the best I can hope for at this point.OP, be careful with people telling you they have beaten aptasia. Anyone who has peppermint shrimp or a file fish has not beaten them they are only controlling them. As soon as the shrimp or file fish dies at aptasia will come right back.
I would be cautious if anyone told me they have beaten aptasia, period. We have been reefing since the 70s and nobody has come up with a solution to beat them completely. Why is that?
Any single cell left over from the aptasia will grow a new one. If they are broken apart that means each piece can grow a new one. They have a defense mechanism where if they disturb too much they release a bunch of eggs, each one able to grow a new one. They are very good at surviving.
I have been living with them for many years and have tried lots of ways to try to be rid of them.
Kalk paste, f-aptasia, berghia, ect. Berghia, imo, is hands down the best in a full infestation. I have also found lemon juice to be a good choice for the one or two if used correctly. That means lots of patience. No flow, squirt the top incase any eggs come out, squirt the base and get it to release the foot. Can take 5 to 15 minutes each one and catching rouge lemon juice if your doing in tank.
I never used peppermints or file fish because all my research ended up at 50% of the time they started to eat coral. Not for me.
Do your research. They take a really long time to "beat", months to years.