My poor Lubbock’s wrasse (sand sleeper). I woke up one morning and he was still in his sleep cocoon. He looked really stressed out. I was able to coax him out to eat and saw a huge gash on his side. I wondered over and over what could have caused it and then that night I saw the large crab try to hurt the wrasse again while in his cocoon. I was able to scare the crab away but wasn’t able to catch him. The wrasse took a turn for the worse and despite trying to treat him with antibiotics in a hospital tank did not make it. Within a few months I lost all my sand sleepers including my dusky and melanurus. Those two just disappeared despite having been in the tank for months and super healthy. I can’t say for certain but I think he was to blame. The Lubbock’s was about 5 inches, the dusky was 4.5 and the melanurus was 3.Oh man, those are huge! I just saw one the other night on my other rock structure, guess that's the next crab I gotta hunt down. What size fish did eat end up eating?