So, about a month ago, I was shining the flashlight into my return pump section of my sump and I saw the “cutest” little crab (less than a half a centimeter wide) munching on some sponges, algae and detritus. It looked like the tiniest “blue leg crab” in the world. I thought, “whatever… I’ll let him live in here so he can eat algae and no one else lives in there, so no harm, right?” Well, the sneaky lil bugger found his way into my refugium, and only a few weeks later, is about 3” wide and a VERY active predator, constantly sitting with his claws up and open, looking like evil incarnate, and the second he sees any of my ghost cleaner shrimp or mysid shrimp (real mysids “americamysis bahia,” that have taken years to finally get a sustainable population in my sump and DT)…he POUNCES, and rips them into meaty lil bits. I mean, I honestly don’t care about the ghost shrimp since they have been breeding like crazy, so he may actually be helping me with my bioload by hunting them (as there are HUNDREDS in every corner of my sump…mind you, I only bought 10, lol), but I’m very actively protective of my mysids. I really love having both of them, as their larvae/babies are great free live food for my fish and corals, and they help as part of my CUC. So I wouldn’t want this crab to wipe them out. Anyway, does anyone know what this is? Will I be eating a blue leg crab dinner 6 months from now? Or is it an adult now at about 3 inches? He’s all grey, when the refugium light is off n I can actually use white light from the flashlight to see him. But, he’s also IMPOSSIBLE to catch, as he’s still the perfect size to find any little crevice, rubble rock, or macroalgae to just slide right into, and then clamp down to anchor himself. He also swims faster than most fish and is SUPER aggressive. You just look at him, and the claws are UP & OUT! Lol! Anyway, all joking aside, can anyone ID this thing? If it helps, I’m 99% sure he was a hitchhiker from stuff I bought at Gulf Coast Ecosystems, so he’s gotta be from around Florida/the Caribbean. Obviously is thriving in my tropical water, so not a cold water crab (unless they can live in warm water too). Thank you in advance for any info/advice you may have to give!! Oh, also, I hate killing anything, as it’s not his fault he’s a crab doing what crabs do best. So I was also wondering, if/when I catch this guy, can i just release it into the Long Island sound where I live? Or is that a big “no no?”Here’s a few pics: