I know you're suffering. Only 2 kinds of headaches are difficult to handle, clusters and migraines. And if you ever experienced a cluster, you know why their kick mamed "suicide headache"Well an extremely long day had first bnb follow up and bend test on the thumb today idk if the headache is from the kids or my thumb but it is throbbing like a.....s o b i really hope tgis whole thing starts to turn a corner i have things i need to adjust but cant....things to work on but cant....tank to clean up but cant....stand to rebuild but cant just feels like everything hit at once and just like a big red truck to the face. Yes its still attached and thats awesome but i need it now lol....
Settle down, debate if it's tension or caffeine related. Both an easy fix.
Glad I returned to reefing a year after my little one was born. My tank would have crashed and burned. I was not allowed to carry anything heavier than the baby. C section.