My 85g reef experiment

Nutramar Foods
Top Shelf Aquatics
david p.

david p.

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Your " Afnan" chalice look nice

lol... you spy on me on FB !! :p yeah it's nice.

Your acros look better than mine even with your issues! ;)

Hopefully you are able to sort it out without making too many changes.

this hobby sucks... just got back from work 2 more colonies with STN/RTN... i'm kinda lost on what is happening. i test almost daily N-P-Alk-Ca-Mg. pretty much all sttable.

I'm questionning the change in salt to AF... might switch back to my original salt (red sea coral pro).


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lol... you spy on me on FB !! :p yeah it's nice.

this hobby sucks... just got back from work 2 more colonies with STN/RTN... i'm kinda lost on what is happening. i test almost daily N-P-Alk-Ca-Mg. pretty much all sttable.

I'm questionning the change in salt to AF... might switch back to my original salt (red sea coral pro).
Are you using the probiotic version by any chance?

Heard you need to ease the tank into that salt else it will cause problems you describe.


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Apr 6, 2016
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When I switched to AF the middle of last year I started losing sps corals. I even documented photos on a different forum of when I started dosing and a few days later when things started going south. Careful with that stuff.

Yours might be a different issue if you only used salt. I feel my issue was from their supplements.
david p.

david p.

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When I switched to AF the middle of last year I started losing sps corals. I even documented photos on a different forum of when I started dosing and a few days later when things started going south. Careful with that stuff.

Yours might be a different issue if you only used salt. I feel my issue was from their supplements.

i heard similar stories, but also i see many nice reef on that program. But i don't want to try their product any longer. don't want to risk it.
I will get back my tank how i was running it before the change i made in chrismass. big 3, GFO, carbon. KISS. with a the color element. that the only thing i used for a long while.


Living the Reef Life
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was sold to me as Cherry Bomb. one of my favorite acro. the pic is under heavy blu, but still a very nice piece. here'S an old day light pic. and yes under radions!
That's a beauty!
Nutramar Foods
david p.

david p.

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When I switched to AF the middle of last year I started losing sps corals. I even documented photos on a different forum of when I started dosing and a few days later when things started going south. Careful with that stuff.

Yours might be a different issue if you only used salt. I feel my issue was from their supplements.

what were the symptoms ? could you post pic or send me the link in pm of your previous post , thx!


Follow me on Instagram @ Bubbaquecorals
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I'll have to dig through the pics on the other site but my sps just started to stn/rtn. Happened very fast for me, the day after I dosed it started to happen. If your just using their reef salt it might not be the issue, as I didn't use their salt yet.
World Wide Corals
david p.

david p.

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A short update on my system...

After the rought period i had with my acros.... believe it or not i have some disease in my tank, all symptoms point to velvet... and Flukes (confirmed)... So far i lost a my Labouti wrasse, my mandarin (both had no visual symptoms), 3 vanderbuild chromis out of 5.
there are 9 fish remaining in my tank that will be hard to catch, they now fear the fish trap! :)
7 are in QT, my 2 couple of ocelaris, my 6line wrasse, leapard wrasse (the second one jumped a few weeks back :( ), and my kole tang. The kole tang was the first to show symptoms.

i think that the disease was brought when i introduced the chromis back in april.

All fish in QT are under cupramine treatment, and i just dosed Prazipro in my DT for the remaining fish. i still need to catch them.

On the coral side, colors are slowly coming back, i have many corals that still look ugly, but they encrust and show new growth with great colors, so hoepfully in a few month, tank will be back to where i want it!
all new additions are doings great, only my 'older' coral seems to have a hard time.

I finally decided to stick with AF pro bio salt and i'm also dosing the AVBE (1 drop every other day). i will introduce the Ca-Alk-Mg and component strong shortly.
Top Shelf Aquatics


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Ugh. Velvet. Wrasses and mandarins are both known to suppress visual symptoms (ie spots), because of their thicker slime coat, but they still get heavily hit in the gills and die from asphyxiation :/

You are doing the right thing by treating your fish with copper in QT, I'm sending all the fish-trapping mojo for the others.

It might be a good idea to run a broad-spectrum antibiotic (like kanaplex or furan-2) in your QT as well to ward off secondary infections. Just make sure you have sufficient 02 exchange.

Non-related, love those acans!
david p.

david p.

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How's the tank doing lately?
I believe the tank is improving, growth is pretty impressive on most coral. Colors are slowly getting back. Most of all .... i stopped losing coral :p
I though the problem i had were from an Alk spike back in Feb-March, but looking back at things, symptoms did not really match.
I found a bug that i cant identify :
They could be the problem, or at least a part of it. I also believe that the many changed i made From Dec to March were stressfull, even if parameters were generally in check. It's like the base of my colony were 'expeling' zoox or something stressing the corals. Friends told me it could also be something in the water, overdosing of a product or heavy metal. i guess i'll never know for sure.
I just did the first dose of Interceptor to try getting rid of those bugs, lost my Cleaner shrimp :( but i could not catch it, other invert are fine so far.

fish wise, half my fish are under QT. Finished 15d under copper treatment. i lost several fish, my latest one was my watchman goby... no external signs :(
Unable to catch the others, part of me wants to catch them, meaning removing all rocks... the other part of my brain says 'No way' i don't risk it for my coral. for now... i will wait and see.
i also did a prazipro treatment in the DT, it stressed a few corals and one my clams did not react well... my crocea died this morning.

I also have a red turf algae problem, i have the feeling it is slowly receding, it's paling out. I restarted GFO and i do more WC. i scrape what i can.

Because i spent more time solving issues in the past month, i decided to slowly siphon my sand and go bare bottom, i could not keep it as clean as i like, so i'll remove it.... it will give me more space to have my montipora to grow :) i have several really nice pieces waiting.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%