Mike Paletta finally recognizes some of the superior qualities of METAL HALIDES over LEDs...

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A. grandis

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Mike Paletta finally recognizes some of the superior qualities of using METAL HALIDES over LEDs after talking to Tullio Dellaquila and analyzing some substantial comparison of spectrum composition from a spectrometer.
Public aquariums have already changed back. Time for the hobbyists to understand the truth!
He will be getting those halides back over his tank soon!
Will Dr. Sanjay Joshi also follow that line of thought? Hope so!!!!
Results don't lie!
Some of possible benefits of using metal halides previously discussed here and in other channels, which had been said to be the closest artificial light to sunlight by many of us, are:
- Benefits from substantial amounts of UV properly distributed and in the right intensity from halides for a more balanced microbial population, possibly also boosting immunization and eliminating some of the pathogens over the substrate.
- Best utilization of a full spectrum (from UV to IR, in the majority of aquarium bulbs we can choose!) for photosynthesis and other ramifications of coral metabolism.
- Boosting photosynthesis by it's safe strong intensity, including the use of IR (infra red), already proved by Emerson effect.
- Total quality of light including spectrum, distribution and delivery of photons using the right gear for each application!
More and more people are going back to halides each day. Mike paletta also confirmed that in a way.
Enjoy the video!


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In an environment of rapidly increasing electrical costs, I don't see this becoming a trend (at the public or consumer level).

We also didn't see booger sized frags selling for $1200 and yet, here we are...
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You’re linking to your own thread about this…really?

I guess we all have the right to choose the hills we die on…
The Reef Aquarium Discussion forum likely gets more eyes than the Lighting one.
Top Shelf Aquatics
A. grandis

A. grandis

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In an environment of rapidly increasing electrical costs, I don't see this becoming a trend (at the public or consumer level).
California is the prime example state of "green", specially in terms of water and electricity savings. Yet, the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco uses 76 X 1000W metal halide fixtures using 10K and 14K Hamilton bulbs over their huge 200,000+ gallon system.
As we know, application is very important when choosing any type of light for our systems, so each tank will have a different type of lighting system according to it's dimensions and organisms to be kept. That is the beauty of having the options for 150, 175, 250 and 400W metal halide systems available for home aquariums.
It's a matter of keeping organisms at their best. That is the way I see. This hobby NEEDS to be an example for the future generations, not only a temporary market success! Propaganda has been spreading for many years that all we need is to "keep corals happy"! Enough of that! IMO we should aim to set systems looking for the optimal health and growth of the precious organisms we keep, to set the example against those who want to shut down this "industry". Instead, we see the great majority of people in this hobby having fun with their tanks charging their blue LEDs on and showing off their phone programs and their filtered videos on youtube. It became a trend of the plastic fashion.

By the way... plastic is what we should avoid in terms of green! Also, when you buy a metal halide system you will probably have that fixture for your life time and only change bulbs. Not to feed a cycle of plastic with the upgrades of LEDs, which should be changed at least every 5 years, according to Tullio Dellaquila.

This hobby has been regressing that way.
Old important hobbyists/authors have been absorbing and perpetuating such fashion thinking that what matters is to just keep them alive and colorful under the "blues". Corals don't know what happiness is, people! What a joke!
It's time to wake up and project out serious attitude keeping them at an optimal level, biologically.
Biologists have been setting reef systems and their preferences aren't "saving electricity", which by the way isn't the case at all times using LEDs, but always have been the use of metal halides and/or T5s over those systems for the coral health. A great number of those biologists working at public aquariums who have used metal halides in the past, and had tried LEDs for years, are currently going back to metal halides for it's superb results and after some unpublished scientific tests and experiences. Too bad they won't publish their numbers!!!!!
Some of us here have been trying to bring the practical facts of the use of metal haldes over LEDs for years. I know I've been publishing here since 2012, and those who tried conformed the superb results they provide. That is the ultimate proof we need: results! Nothing else!

Thanks to Tullio Dellaquila, from Reef Brite, for publishing some of the scientific aspects of reef lighting without any fear. He is the guy who actually introduced LEDs to our hobby, yet he has cotributed tremendously to our knowledge and now we can have some rational conversations about what we have been witnessing for the past years. He spends many hours with customers daily explaining the facts and benefits of metal halide lighting!! Hamilton has also being amazing still offering a wide range of halide systems throughout the years for so long with great quality and superb customer service!!

LEDs grows corals fine, halides will grow them profusely!

Grow them profusely so you can sell or even better, give frags to friends like we used to do during the 90's. The coral prices will get lower and this hobby will actually GROW! Enough with the promotion of bottles and upgrades on fixtures, spending thousands of dollars as they should be the center of out hobby and attention!!! Enough of little frags with struggling 1/4" coral tips sold for $100.00+ under blue LEDs as they were something from another galaxy with a stupid cartoon name!!! Enough of fancy colorful sumps with fluorescent edges to show off. Do you have a spot light over your toilet!!??? What a joke!
Corals are organisms and we should offer the best QUALITY of light, not trying to make the "happy". They don't know what happiness is!!!!!

Trend? That's new stuff and comes inside of each LED box.



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knight dilly dilly GIF by Bud Light

Dilly dilly

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I live in CA. A watt is a watt doesent matter where it comes from. Im keeping my halides.
If I was to go full led, and I may on a 40/40 sps breeder system, I am going to use OR3 bars as I want to document them vs my current halide system.
My upgrade will be 2 600 watt Ushio 7k's with OR3 light bars to bring in the color I want on a 250-300 g system.
The growth with those 600's does not compair to my current 250's.
Plus I can run them at 300, 450, or 600.

Also I dont worry about electricity cost as they are what they are. Plus I can afford it.
My halides dont heat the tanks but the 600's may, lol.

I will also say again I could run a system with Orpheks and be just as happy with the growth.
Same goes for Radions or any other quality Leds.

I may setup my upgrade with all Orpheks and no halides so I know they all work.
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A. grandis

A. grandis

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In an environment of rapidly increasing electrical costs, I don't see this becoming a trend (at the public or consumer level).
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So we really need to blast this in every sub-forum? I’ve seen at least 3 of the same posts.

I will not personally go back. I always have agreed that MHs are the best source of light, but they are no longer for me. LEDs give great color, less heat, smaller form factor and smaller electric bill. I’ll take that over better light if what I have still works good enough.
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Since swapping from MH to LEDs, I have not had a decrease in coral growth rate. If alk consumption can be considered a surrogate for coral growth, my alk consumption actually increased after I swapped to LED. My fish room also no longer feels like a sauna, and I can sit on my couch without being blinded by light bleed.

It's been well documented that halides and LEDs grow corals about the same. Not sure why you keep rehashing the same thread over and over again.
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