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So when dosing do you feed the bound food once, every day for x days. What's the regimen for metro/focus bound food?
What are you treating for?

For uronema the recommendation would be to feed and dose water both. As it can affect the fish both internally and externally.

Dose water per instructions on bottle.

For food add one scoop metro + one scoop focus to 1 Tablespoon of prepared frozen food.

By prepared I mean thawed, strained, and then I add a few drops of selcon and garlic guard to help mask the medicine taste.


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What are you treating for?

For uronema the recommendation would be to feed and dose water both. As it can affect the fish both internally and externally.

Dose water per instructions on bottle.

For food add one scoop metro + one scoop focus to 1 Tablespoon of prepared frozen food.

By prepared I mean thawed, strained, and then I add a few drops of selcon and garlic guard to help mask the medicine taste.
Internal parasite of some sort. Fish in qt skinny not acting quite right in copper now. Someone suggested I treat internally and I had metro and focus on hand so that's what I'm doing I followed the 1:1 and made food for them but how often should I feed it? Every day? Every 3rd day.? How long?


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Internal parasite of some sort. Fish in qt skinny not acting quite right in copper now. Someone suggested I treat internally and I had metro and focus on hand so that's what I'm doing I followed the 1:1 and made food for them but how often should I feed it? Every day? Every 3rd day.? How long?
Feed every day as their only/primary food source 1-2 times per day. 14-21 days depending on symptoms or lack thereof, my clowns I recently put through qt took 30 days+


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Nutramar Foods

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@Humblefish @HotRocks @4FordFamily I plan on adding Seachem's Metroplex to my QT system to proactively treat for brook/uronema... currently I am dosing copper power along with nitrofurazone (3.8 grams/100 gals)...what would be the recommended dose of metroplex?... and is it safe to combine with these other medications? Thanks so much !

Big G

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@Humblefish @HotRocks @4FordFamily I plan on adding Seachem's Metroplex to my QT system to proactively treat for brook/uronema... currently I am dosing copper power along with nitrofurazone (3.8 grams/100 gals)...what would be the recommended dose of metroplex?... and is it safe to combine with these other medications? Thanks so much !
Metro can be safely combined with Kanaplex + Furan2 = The Trifecta, which works very well and covers an extremely wide bacterial treatment plan. Here's a link with more info on Metro:


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@Humblefish @HotRocks @4FordFamily I plan on adding Seachem's Metroplex to my QT system to proactively treat for brook/uronema... currently I am dosing copper power along with nitrofurazone (3.8 grams/100 gals)...what would be the recommended dose of metroplex?... and is it safe to combine with these other medications? Thanks so much !
Yes, @Big G provided you with the link. Just dose the metro per instructions on the bottle. With an active infection present I would dose it at the higher amount.

Reef Pro

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@Big G @HotRocks thanks so much for your responses!! Really appreciate it! Have you seen any adverse effects using metro on delicate species such as the fairy wrasse, anthias, angels ext... Also would I be better off buying pure metro powder rather than using the seachem metroplex ? Thanks again!

Reef Pro

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@Big G @HotRocks thanks so much for your responses!! Really appreciate it! Have you seen any adverse effects using metro on delicate species such as the fairy wrasse, anthias, angels ext... Also would I be better off buying pure metro powder rather than using the seachem metroplex ? Thanks again!
Also I currently run my QT with a skimmer... the skimmer doesn’t effect the copper power nor nitrofurazone... when I add the metro to the mix would I have to terminate the skimmer for the 10-14 day dosing period?? Thanks again for your help and feedback!
Nutramar Foods


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Also I currently run my QT with a skimmer... the skimmer doesn’t effect the copper power nor nitrofurazone... when I add the metro to the mix would I have to terminate the skimmer for the 10-14 day dosing period?? Thanks again for your help and feedback!
Yes I would shut off the skimmer, but ensure that you have a power head aimed at the surface and a bubbler (Skimmers produce a lot of 02 and the meds, particularly when mixed, will consume oxygen)


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I have a question about the general medication recipe. If using pellets, should the pellets themselves be mashed into a paste? Or just the medication/focus/water and then coat the pellets with that slurry?

Edit: E'gads, sorry for bumping this again. Is there a better thread for this sort of question?

Jay Hemdal

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I have a question about the general medication recipe. If using pellets, should the pellets themselves be mashed into a paste? Or just the medication/focus/water and then coat the pellets with that slurry?

Edit: E'gads, sorry for bumping this again. Is there a better thread for this sort of question?
I’ve done it both ways....I think crushing the pellets up gives better dosing than does “top dressing”.
Take a look at my medicated food article in the article section here, I think it’s about five or six explains some common misconceptions about medicated foods...


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I’ve done it both ways....I think crushing the pellets up gives better missing than does “top dressing”.
Take a look at my medicated food article in the article section here, I think it’s about five or six explains some common misconceptions about medicated foods...
Thanks! I'll give that a look.

Elliott ll

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@Humblefish @Jay Hemdal @4FordFamily

I have an Ich outbreak on Blue tang, Purple tang, Flame angel, Blue Trigger.

From my understanding Metroplex isn't effective against Ich because the dosage instructions is every 48 hours, which is too long for it to be effective against killing Ich from water column. Evidently Seachem Metroplex is very hard to have an overdose with... So if your desperate...

Would it be possible to do the following?...

Metroplex dosing to cure Ich:

Feed daily metroplex + focus bound to frozen mysis shrimp
Day 1: 1 level scoop per 10 gal
Day 2: 1 level scoop per 5 gal
Day 3: 1 level scoop per 10 gal
Rinse & Repeat until Day 14.

I am currently doing this and 3 days in with no ill effects on coral or inverts so far. Wondering if I should continue in the name of science or stop immediately?
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Jay Hemdal

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@Humblefish @Jay Hemdal @4FordFamily

I have an Ich outbreak on Blue tang, Purple tang, Flame angel, Blue Trigger.

From my understanding Metroplex isn't effective against Ich because the dosage instructions is every 48 hours, which is too long for it to be effective against killing Ich from water column. Evidently Seachem Metroplex is very hard to have an overdose with... So if your desperate...

Would it be possible to do the following?...

Metroplex dosing to cure Ich:

Feed daily metroplex + focus bound to frozen mysis shrimp
Day 1: 1 level scoop per 10 gal
Day 2: 1 level scoop per 5 gal
Day 3: 1 level scoop per 10 gal
Rinse & Repeat until Day 14.

I am currently doing this and 3 days in with no ill effects on coral or inverts so far. Wondering if I should continue in the name of science or stop immediately?

I see that my previous post has a typo in it (common for me!) I think "missing" was meant to say "mixing".

Here is the issue with metronidazole - it is very bitter. To control external protozoans orally, it needs to be dosed at 5000 ppm. At this amount, it is SO bitter that fish will eat it once and then generally avoid it. The old joke is - if your fish are eating metro dosed food, your dose is too low.

Here is my article on medicated foods:

Here is a great medicated food calculator put together by @threebuoys :

I cannot say for certain if your treatment regimen will work or not, but my guess is that it won't. Look at your Seachem instructions - does the package label say, use a 5:1 ratio and then the bottle itself says 1:1? Mine says that - and there must be an error there.

Jay Hemdal

Elliott ll

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I see that my previous post has a typo in it (common for me!) I think "missing" was meant to say "mixing".

Here is the issue with metronidazole - it is very bitter. To control external protozoans orally, it needs to be dosed at 5000 ppm. At this amount, it is SO bitter that fish will eat it once and then generally avoid it. The old joke is - if your fish are eating metro dosed food, your dose is too low.

Here is my article on medicated foods:

Here is a great medicated food calculator put together by @threebuoys :

I cannot say for certain if your treatment regimen will work or not, but my guess is that it won't. Look at your Seachem instructions - does the package label say, use a 5:1 ratio and then the bottle itself says 1:1? Mine says that - and there must be an error there.

Jay Hemdal
@Jay Hemdal I did definitely notice that my fish weren't as interested in the Mysis being offered when mixed with higher amounts of metroplex. My packaging says to do a 1:1 ratio when feeding, the bottle only has water column dosing instructions, no feed.

Day 1 I did a 1:1 ratio, however I have been doing 2:1 ratio since with both the metroplex + focus. Once I began to add in a small amount of liquid garlic then the fish began to feed normally again and don't seem to mine the medicine taste. I am now wondering if I need to increase even more or just stay current with feeding ratios... I am feeding + dosing the water column so ramping up more is worrisome. Slow and steady may allow it.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

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  • Full colony.

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  • Other.

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TCK Corals