MAKE TESTING EASY! - A New GIVEAWAY From Hanna and Marine Depot

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Cloud Reefing

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Mar 21, 2018
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Signed up for the newsletter, no tank just yet, in the planning stages for my first reef tank, have seen these instruments used on YouTube videos but no personal experience so not hoping to fix anything but hoping it will start me off well for a successful start!


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Mar 21, 2018
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I'm in highschool and things can get real hectic because of my busy schedule. I hope I can win Hannah instruments because I would be able to check my water parameters more efficiently and effectively. I use the traditional cheap water test kit that measures calcium, OH and phosoaheg. Using the traditional test kit takes a while to finish and I'm not able to check my water parameters that often. Winning this will be a huge beneift because it will help me understand the necessary steps I have to do to keep a stable reef tank. Also as a highschooler with no job or income it would be helpful to get something useful like the Hanna instruments:).


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Mar 21, 2018
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I'm in highschool and things can get real hectic because of my busy schedule. I hope I can win Hannah instruments because I would be able to check my water parameters more efficiently and effectively. I use the traditional cheap water test kit that measures calcium, OH and phosoaheg. Using the traditional test kit takes a while to finish and I'm not able to check my water parameters that often. Winning this will be a huge beneift because it will help me understand the necessary steps I have to do to keep a stable reef tank. Also as a highschooler with no job or income it would be helpful to get something useful like the Hanna instruments:).


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Mar 21, 2018
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I'm in highschool and things can get real hectic because of my busy schedule. I hope I can win Hannah instruments because I would be able to check my water parameters more efficiently and effectively. I use the traditional cheap water test kit that measures calcium, OH and phosoaheg. Using the traditional test kit takes a while to finish and I'm not able to check my water parameters that often. Winning this will be a huge beneift because it will help me understand the necessary steps I have to do to keep a stable reef tank. Also as a highschooler with no job or income it would be helpful to get something useful like the Hanna instruments:).


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Aug 15, 2017
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Signed up for the newsletter. I have a PO4 checker which is great. Nothing against Red Sea test kits and such, but Hanna’s digital testers just make testing parameters so much easier, and as a result make it so I will do it more often. With a kit like this I could really fine tune and keep levels steady which would benefit my corals as I take the journey into SPS.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%
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