1228 is okay but 1450 would be better. That actually depends upon your other chemistry, specifically Alk and Ca. If you run both elevated (like 9 dKH and 440) you should keep up high like that. The three tend to become like a three legged buffering system and they flex together and stabilize the triad.
1350-1450 is recommended, not sure what the minimum is for usability-One key thing is if your mag is depleted, msot likely the other two (alk and calc) are probably off a little, or you may be adding excess of those if the magnesium isn't there for the corals to utilize to grow. Keep an eye on all three and you'll be best off, but yea, 1200 is a bit low on mag; not enough to cause problems, but enough you won't have as ideal of growth and possibly color.
Thanks guys, fyi my alk is 9.1 and my calcium is 500. Fab - the flamethrower took a big hit when I went from my 30g tank to my 40 breeder. I'm not sure what happened. I used new sand and my tank had a crash. Luckily it is still alive, but it receeded to s little smaller than it was when I got it. I think it is finally on the mend since I was able to feed it today. I did lose 95% of my sps mini colonies - which was about 20.
Wow, sorry to hear that. I'm glad to hear that it survived the ordeal and hope everything else pulls through fine. I have a new tank I set up right next to the old one but I'm taking it really slow. I'm keeping the salinity and temps the same and I'm only transfering one or two of my corals at a time. My magicians colony was doing poorly in my old tank and some melted. As soon as I moved it to the new tank it started thriving again, go figure.