Had this Looney Tunes Stylocoenelia for a month and I was doing well with it initially. LED’s we’re on acclimation mode for the first 2 weeks. Then lights were on at 50% both blue and white, running a Red Sea program that is 15,000k. Coral hasn’t been opening up for last 8 days or so, sometimes a little at night. Nitrate 0, phosphate.01, calcium 375, magnesium 1240, ph 7.85 alkalinity 7.5dkh. Been 8 days since a water change. I do close to 10% on my 158 gallon tank weekly or every other week. Lights are back on acclimation mode, coral is about 1/3 the way up my tank, flow is moderate, but I don’t think too much. Any ideas? Appreciate some feedback.