The only difference is the shading and how the led shines in the water between noop k7 and the a8se correct? I have never tried a8se but have two noop k7 lights and they work wonders in my opinion.No its giesemann stellar t5 with a8se fake radions in them.
1 arrived broken so currently 3 leds and 4x t5
Will go to 4x a8se
I have a noop k7 v3 pro on the wifes seahorse tank. Ill replace that with a8se when new tank comes this saturday… i dont like the discoball on the noop k7. But thats personal preference. Both are excellent lights
The main tank came from 4x coralcare v2 with 2x 80w led strips.. now on the a8se + t5 Best decision ever