LFS Rant - why are coral prices never listed?


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Here prices aren't listed but that goes for pretty much everything at the markets where most saltwater stores are located. Honestly, I dont mind because I know what the price range should be for whatever Im buying and what Im willing to pay. Do they give different customers different prices? Absolutely! If they quote a fair and normal price (or close), I buy whatever it is. If their first price quote is far more than it should be, I dont even waste time negotiating.
It's a completely different way of buying/selling products than is standard and expected in America though and I wouldn't buy anything from a shop that didn't list prices if I were where you are.


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It's for the same reason that so many sellers use the same types of tag lines, like specializing in... "high end" , "rare" , "unique" , "ultra" - They aim to maximize profit. They want the absolute largest margin they can drive. Some would rather throw away a good grower than drop the price. It's approached from other angles too... such as in the genetic-sample-size of a frag vs a viable frag size. How about selling a frag that's big enough to be stable and live? Nah, when your fingernail-clipping frag doesn't make it, you'll blame yourself and come back to buy more, thinking you'll do better with the next one. Single polyp zoa sellers probably at the top of this "game."

Bottom line - support the people and companies who's methods and ethics match with yours.

MarineandReef Jaron

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My LFS has prices listed for everything under $200 but some of the large colonies and expensive LPS are just in a tank labeled ask for pricing. Having worked retail I get it because it is easy to have a $29 or $59 section of corals but these large pieces are all different prices and sometimes they would need to be moved around to make sure they were getting the right amount of flow and light. I also found you couldn't simply put a sticker saying chalice corals $229 because we would get in several varieties of chalice that all varied greatly in price.


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There are 3 stores within a 45 minute drive from me. One of them doesn’t have most of their frags priced but instead say ask (which is even more annoying imo). I don’t go to that store.


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A bit of a rant - but does anyone else have a LFS that doesn’t have corals priced? What’s the thought process behind this? It seems like having some organization to corals - either separate frag racks separated by price or some sort of printout with prices - would be helpful.

The last three stores I’ve been to, there are no listed prices or seemingly any order, with mother colonies or other grow-out pieces interspersed with frags.

I am always chasing down a worker to ask how much a certain frag costs, what’s the general price structure (e.g. $29/each frags but 5/$100), or if certain items are for sale.

What’s the deal?
The one that did this in my area, which was primarily a coral shop, didn't list prices. It went out of business a year ago and I can say for sure why was this reason. Every time I went there the staff/owner would just be in a one on one conversation with 1 person for ever, and acted annoyed if I asked for a price. They clearly didn't keep track of anything sub 200 becayse I got different prices everytime. I never successfully bought a single piece there.

It was a serious bummer, I went there with $400 in cash with my oldest son to blow it all on corals and foods, they carried everything from Rod's, and while I live just 25 minutes from their Rod's shop, it was the only place around I've seen carry more than just the standard Rod's. It's the only thing I've successfully purchased there, price also not listed. Anyway, I asked for prices a couple times, and got an answer once and they walked away imidiately after and wouldn't stay for a moment to sell me anything. It's an absolute tragedy. I wanted to throw my money at them so badly, I just knew it was going to go under...

The other place within 50 miles is a farmstyle feed store. They have a salt water section and lately he stocks a lot of coral, prices listed on most all of it. Great place, shout out Wayne's Feed


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I prefer prices marked. I’ve even carried it over to frag swaps and put corals in cups with a name label and price. Everyone gets the same price and it’s transparent. Saves the 50 question game as well.
Long live free corals at frag swaps!

Amphibious Wallet

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We don't have many stores in NZ but the 3 local to me are;
All plainly labelled, online presence.
Majority plainly labelled, very small online presence/
I don't think any are labelled! A bit of hard and fast fish importing though, far more than the other 2.

KK's Reef

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What I hate more is the section that says "ASK". You already know they'll try start high and hope that you bite.

It's lowkey shady and a 100% annoying.


Metal Halides Til The End
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One LFS here has theirs clearly marked on the glass.

Another, depends the day if it’s marked. Sometimes they’re marked. Others only some are marked. Other times none are marked. I find I tend to get the best deal when prices are not marked as the LFS guy is just making up a price (be it the owner or one of his sons) without checking the computer.

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