Just got my par meter - now I have a few questions

Nathan Belz

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So I just got my par meter and have a few questions!

  1. 150g SPS only tank - running 5 Hydra 26s over a 60" x 24" x 24" tank.
  2. Frag tanks 48" x 24" x 8" running an 8 bulb t5HO setup
  3. Bedroom tank at home - 60 gallon cube with 24" x 24" x 24" with a Kessil 360W
  • 150 was reading 600-700 at my higher level frags under the light, and 500-600 between and around the lights. I don't have have anything on the bottom but my lowest level frags were reading around 200 pretty evenly.
  • Frag tank was between 180-200 everywhere
  • Kessil tank was at 200 at the top under the light and down around 70-100 near the bottom.


  • I think I need to move my Hydras up (currently about 8" off tank) to around 16" off tank. Does this sound like a good coarse of action?
  • I would have thought the T5ho 8 lamp would put out more PAR than that. The bulbs are only 4 weeks old. Is that enough for SPS typically? I am new to t5s.
  • The Kessil tank was pretty low but even. Thats about what I would have expected, but as I am switching it over to do more SPS in it, I am buying 2 rRadion xr15s (gen3) today to put over the tank, has anyone ran 2 15s over a 24" wide tank? I know I will have to turn it WAY down.


  • I run the blue spectrum almost exclusively. I have all blue plus bulbs plus a purple something in the T5
  • On the hydras - I run 100% on all blues and purples - 25% UV, and green red and white ramping from 0-5% throughout the day.
  • All Lights run for approx. 8 hours with 6 hours of that being at maxed out at the above settings.
  • I am doing PAR testing with the SenEye
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@saltyfilmfolks is very good with this

I run my Hydra 26 hd 12" off the water.


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I would have thought the T5ho 8 lamp would put out more PAR than that. The bulbs are only 4 weeks old. Is that enough for SPS typically? I am new to t5s.
Thats about right. How high above the tank. ANd yes about perfect and Ideal from top to bottom.
Frag tank was between 180-200 everywhere
Again perfect. You'll want more for high light acros etc.

I would decide what Par range you want to grow coral in. Youll need to balance alk and nutrints to that. Thats coral research.

IMO zoas softies etc. 100 200 is pretty dead on clams 200+ acros 200+(2000:confused:)
IMO IME color doesn't play much. Corals have been grown from 6000k to 20000k+ Speaking to lots of LED users, color settings are all over the place and each are considered secret sauce.
Myself, I would set all at 100% and lower channels to Mix and make the tank look great to your eye. Then set intensity with a PAR meter.

Its often recommended to get at least a hundred on the bottom, but set the max(you par range choice) near the top and then check the bottom.
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IMO I would not move them 16" unless it was a spread issue - Since your using 5 this is not the case and your better off adjusting the intensity until you get desired effect and keeping them 9" off the water line. I am shooting for ideally 200-400 range (through out the day) so I don't risk giving too much PAR. I did my best to investigate average PAR distribution for my lights (radions Gen4) before doing the aquascape so most of my corals will be 12"- 18" below surface. In this range 2 radions at 100% should provide 200-300 PAR where I plan on keeping most of my SPS... I guess its more trial and error.. Your par should be kept close to your frag tanks - this will just save you time and possibly money..
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