I do not personally hate vermetid snails. I believe my anemones did. So, if I want to try bta's again, the vermins have to go. I would rather deal with cyano over vermins. But, when I had cyano issues, my husband and son were having nasal issues.Vermetid - ???
Of course cyano is a constant issue for me so its not all sunshine and rainbows.
I inherited insomnia from my dear dad. Thanks dad!Sleep is for the weak!
If they didn't cost 3 dollars each, i'd get 30 more. I might just have too if i find a nice deal on them.I have a 180 DT and added 40 of them.
Mine are slackers. Not even sure what they are eating...
Baby went to bed, and I did random tank maintenance. Spent some time with my oldest son. Now i get a coffee