I see you don't have the "off" brown wire connected to anything, you don't need it. Do you have Rx going to SCL and Tx to SDA? You should also power with +3.3v so the SCL/SDA will be the same and safe for Pi.
If you run i2cdetect -y 1 do you see 63 in the list it prints out?
In reef-pi you need to create a new driver, use ezoPh with address 99. Then go to "admin" tab and press "reload" button, then go to "connectors" tab and scroll to the bottom analog section. Create a new analog connector using the pH driver you created and pin 0, should be the only pin. Then go back to "admin" tab, press reload again and you can add to the pH tab.
If you run i2cdetect -y 1 do you see 63 in the list it prints out?
In reef-pi you need to create a new driver, use ezoPh with address 99. Then go to "admin" tab and press "reload" button, then go to "connectors" tab and scroll to the bottom analog section. Create a new analog connector using the pH driver you created and pin 0, should be the only pin. Then go back to "admin" tab, press reload again and you can add to the pH tab.