JBJ RL-45 filtration shenanigans


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Nov 9, 2023
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I have a JBJ RL-45g AIO tank and a coral life 65g skimmer. The issue is that I will need a skimmer for my live stock and a refugium. Here’s the stocking list:

2 classic clown fish
Pistol shrimp and goby pair (Cannot decide to get a diamond watchman or the shrimp goby pair)
Conch, blue and red legged hermits, zombie snails, trochous snails, skunk cleaner shrimp.
Royal gramma (1)
Fire fish (1)
No clue what else to get. Suggestions?

The problem (pic attached). So the intake and return of the skimmer are very visible and ugly. The tank is in a high visibility area so it needs to look really good. I was thinking to add a hob overflow into a 20g high sump. Cant drill the tank because it’s tempered and I don’t want it to explode. I would use the stock return pumps for now but will upgrade to a might jet 536gph and get a Y splitter for the tubing. Or maybe I should get the mighty jet and use the return pumps to mix water. I was going to call up some fish stores to see if they will change it for a tunze 9004 if the sump does not work. I do need a refugium though. The water will still get cleaned up by filter floss—> sponge—-> chemical media I just need a fuge and a way to keep the skimmer hidden.

I also have another issue of the light. It’s an AI hydra 26 and it’s discontinued and the controller iPod looking things display looks like Slipknots “the end so far” album cover. ( the display is completely un readable) so I decided to go for the Noo-Psyche K7 Pro 3 instead. I would keep the light if I could find the controller online but no dice. I only need one light because I only plan to do softies and LPS. No plans for SPS.

How can I put a skimmer in the AIO chamber (Or sump. I need to get other opinions on my situation) as well as a refugium. Maybe an algae scrubber would work but they are like 300 bucks and not worth it imo. I’m not looking for hang on the back stuff at all. Also why is a hang on back over flow so dang expensive!?