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Ha, AF has a pre mixed 1+2+3+ in 5000 ml containers. One can also mix their own with a saving of over half of the premixed. If you need the recipe let me know and I will post it here for you. Here is a link to the AF products and yes they have foods and additives. If you would like to read more about the AF product line go here link . I do not work for AF or work in any facet of the hobby, just so that you know.

Thanks, really appreciate an honest opinion. I am leaning towards using all AF products after reading a few pages of that forum. I will continue to read as I won't be needing and supplements for a while as I'm still sitting patent with my 2 clowns haha


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Update on test results from today.

NH4 - 0.1
NO2 - 0.25
NO3 - 0

I had posted a picture of what looked to me like the early stages of diatoms, this small patch had definitely spread this morning. I agitated the surface of the substrate to get rid of it. Checked again tonight and it was back and even bigger again ... So I'm now pretty confident its diatoms which means things are happening in my glass box full of water :)

Still doing some research on Aquaforest products, I'm a little confused tbh. From what I've gathered I would use the separate products such as Calcium, Magnesium, Kh buffer in order to bring my levels to the recommended AF values. Then when I'm in those ranges I would either use the components 1+2+3+( premixed ) in equal measures to maintain those values. The second option is the buy the individual ( non mixed ) products and add components strong a,b,c,d to the mix to add all the small trace elements to it.

I have some questions on this for any AF experts out there ?

1) How can dosing all of the products in equal measures work for everyone when some people don't use hardly any Mag but loads of Alk for example ?
2) What is going on with reef mineral salt, Not sure what this adds and if it dossed separately or within one of the other mixes ?
3) Why don't AF produce a simple to follow instruction leaflet of some description like red sea.

I really love the results that some people have had with AF products but I am still confused after reading about it all day. Oh yeah and one more thing, which salt would I use, The probiotic salt sound like it can't be mixed and stored for very long, so I guess it would be the other one.
Top Shelf Aquatics


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  1. I am most do not dose the same amounts, it just a starting point then adjust to what your system uses
  2. The mineral salt are part of the elements if you are not using the balling method, but are used in 3+ along with potassium (K) I will post what is used in each component 1+2+3. I now mix my own.
  3. I found AF easier to understand then Red Sea , one can go to the download page in read more about what is what with the Guide Link in the back of the guide there is more about dosing.
I asked the same question about the probiotic, is has a 24hr shelf life once mixed. The AF system is a bacteria driven system. One other thing is if you are running ultra low nutrients, probio salt is what one looks for. I just run the reef salt and keep it simple, for the reason I want the higher nutrients in my system.
Ca 470
Mg 1420
Alk 9.75
No3 12ppm
Po4 trace to .02 ppm
all red see.

I just switched to dosing 4 time a day and will adjust things back. I am dosing 44ml 1+3+ and 40 ml of 2+ I will go to 40ml 1+3+ and 36ml on the 2+


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  1. I am most do not dose the same amounts, it just a starting point then adjust to what your system uses
  2. The mineral salt are part of the elements if you are not using the balling method, but are used in 3+ along with potassium (K) I will post what is used in each component 1+2+3. I now mix my own.
  3. I found AF easier to understand then Red Sea , one can go to the download page in read more about what is what with the Guide Link in the back of the guide there is more about dosing.
I asked the same question about the probiotic, is has a 24hr shelf life once mixed. The AF system is a bacteria driven system. One other thing is if you are running ultra low nutrients, probio salt is what one looks for. I just run the reef salt and keep it simple, for the reason I want the higher nutrients in my system.
Ca 470
Mg 1420
Alk 9.75
No3 12ppm
Po4 trace to .02 ppm
all red see.

I just switched to dosing 4 time a day and will adjust things back. I am dosing 44ml 1+3+ and 40 ml of 2+ I will go to 40ml 1+3+ and 36ml on the 2+
Oh ok, So you can change the values of each, I thought they all had to be equal. The Ca and Mag are together so how does that work if you have correct MAG but need to dose Ca ?? Sorry for all the questions :/ So the Probio will help keep N03 and phosphate down, can this be used with a phosphate reactor ?

How do you find red sea test kits, Looking for a change. I currently use red sea for foundation elements and JBL for NH4,N03,N02.


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Since I mix my own 1+2+3+ I will add a little more Mg if I need it or Ca if needed.
As in regards to probio salt, you may still have to run a phosphate reactor depending on the amount one feeds. I run phosphate minus in a reactor, and as soon as life bio fil comes out here I will tray the product to help control my nitrates. I am going to bring in @120reefkeeper for the reason he runs the pro bio salt and @120reefkeeper can give you more insight on this part of your question.:)

I like the Red Sea test kits, I now use a magnetic stirrer when I am testing. No more shaking and stirring, just drop, counting and results;) Some use a combination of test kits, I just use the test kits as a bench mark and go by how my tank looks.:rolleyes:
Nutramar Foods


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Since I mix my own 1+2+3+ I will add a little more Mg if I need it or Ca if needed.
As in regards to probio salt, you may still have to run a phosphate reactor depending on the amount one feeds. I run phosphate minus in a reactor, and as soon as life bio fil comes out here I will tray the product to help control my nitrates. I am going to bring in @120reefkeeper for the reason he runs the pro bio salt and @120reefkeeper can give you more insight on this part of your question.:)

I like the Red Sea test kits, I now use a magnetic stirrer when I am testing. No more shaking and stirring, just drop, counting and results;) Some use a combination of test kits, I just use the test kits as a bench mark and go by how my tank looks.:rolleyes:

Thanks again for your help. I have just read the guide cover to cover and it starting to all fall into place. How difficult would it be to maintain a ULNS and is it worth the extra addictive and effort ?


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You are more than welcome:) I would rather have you have your question answered before making a choice. It all depends what you are going to have in the tank. For example, if you are going to have a lot of fish it tends to be more difficult to run ULNS for the reason there is a higher bio load and fish waste and more phosphates and nitrates created by feeding frozen foods. I would also suggest using the porbio salt then if the ULNS system is your desire. I would also suggest for a ULNS system to start with
Pro bio salt
bio s to seed the tank with bacteria then consider the pro bio s
check where things are at with your parameters.
once you start adding corals, they are going to have to eat:D and that would be were the additives come into play.
if you want a umbrella order
Pro bio salt
bio s
phosphate minus
and I think you can get it over in the UK now the life bio fil.


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Awesome build!!! Looking forward to more updates. I have also been looking into Red Sea to upgrade from my 56 gallon. I was wondering if you can share some thoughts on why you chose the reefer series over the max s series? I will probably create a build thread when the time comes and have a lot of other questions but your thread is already helping. Thanks.
Top Shelf Aquatics


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You are more than welcome:) I would rather have you have your question answered before making a choice. It all depends what you are going to have in the tank. For example, if you are going to have a lot of fish it tends to be more difficult to run ULNS for the reason there is a higher bio load and fish waste and more phosphates and nitrates created by feeding frozen foods. I would also suggest using the porbio salt then if the ULNS system is your desire. I would also suggest for a ULNS system to start with
Pro bio salt
bio s to seed the tank with bacteria then consider the pro bio s
check where things are at with your parameters.
once you start adding corals, they are going to have to eat:D and that would be were the additives come into play.
if you want a umbrella order
Pro bio salt
bio s
phosphate minus
and I think you can get it over in the UK now the life bio fil.

Ok, I am learning so much. I think I will stay away from ULNS for the time being it seems to be a lot of extra work and I think amazing results can still be achieved with just nutrient control. Yes the Life bio fill is available in the UK I saw it yesterday while looking for products. By the way while we are on it what dosing pumps are you using and how is the accuracy and easy of use ?


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Results from today,

NH4 - 0.1
N02- 0.25
NO3 - 0

The brown patch had come back a lot today and also looks to be spreading to the glass. It is jut below the are where I feed the clowns so guessing it is to do with detritus from the food waste or fish waste.


Another picture of the culprits ...


Love the markings of the smaller guy ( Dec )

Really like the look of the tank form this angle, could never really get the same sense of depth in a smaller tank.


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Awesome build!!! Looking forward to more updates. I have also been looking into Red Sea to upgrade from my 56 gallon. I was wondering if you can share some thoughts on why you chose the reefer series over the max s series? I will probably create a build thread when the time comes and have a lot of other questions but your thread is already helping. Thanks.

Thanks mate. I am literally learning so much every day so glad to know that this thread is helping someone else.

I would say that you can not go wrong with a red sea tank. The build quality and customer service is the best in the business. I had a couple of tanks to choose from my shortlist if you like. I will just outline my thoughts on each below, hopefully they help :)

1) The EA reef tanks.
- Love the fact that they come in a natural wood finish however have seen a couple of these where the veneer is peeling off.
- Didn't really like the sump layout and wasn't convinced by the need for 2 return pumps. Also didn't really want be doing my own plumping work.

2) Red sea Max s Series
- Only really interested in a 5ft tank so needed to have the s600 and I think that the price isn't justified in the standard equipment of the aquarium. I would have changed equipment to what Im running now anyway so seemed pointless spending 3 times as much. The red sea skimmer has got a lot of negativity online and though I don't doubt that red sea changed any faulty ones I have seen a lot of reports of failures early on.
- I think if you are happy to run the equipment that comes with the tank the these are awesome set ups because you can get going straight away and not have to worry about trying to get kit that is appropriate for the tank. I just wanted a heavily over rated skimmer and the flexibility to move powerheads and also dial in return pump speed.

3) Reefer
- Flexibility to choose equipment
- Like the rimless clean look with mounted light fixtures
- I think that they are actually a really good price for the quality and ease of set up that you get with a red sea tank.

Overall it just seemed the best aquarium for me, choosing the aquarium and equipment is really tough and needs to be a decision you are happy with for a long time. The worst feeling is getting your tank and not being sure if it will fit your home or your wish list in terms of livestock.

Hope this helps, all my personal opinions before anyone gets aggy with me.


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Thanks mate. I am literally learning so much every day so glad to know that this thread is helping someone else.

I would say that you can not go wrong with a red sea tank. The build quality and customer service is the best in the business. I had a couple of tanks to choose from my shortlist if you like. I will just outline my thoughts on each below, hopefully they help :)

1) The EA reef tanks.
- Love the fact that they come in a natural wood finish however have seen a couple of these where the veneer is peeling off.
- Didn't really like the sump layout and wasn't convinced by the need for 2 return pumps. Also gdidn't really want be doing my own plumping work.

2) Red sea Max s Series
- Only really interested in a 5ft tank so needed to have the s600 and I think that the price isn't justified in the standard equipment of the aquarium. I would have changed equipment to what Im running now anyway so seemed pointless spending 3 times as much. The red sea skimmer has got a lot of negativity online and though I don't doubt that red sea changed any faulty ones I have seen a lot of reports of failures early on.
- I think if you are happy to run the equipment that comes with the tank the these are awesome set ups because you can get going straight away and not have to worry about trying to get kit that is appropriate for the tank. I just wanted a heavily over rated skimmer and the flexibility to move powerheads and also dial in return pump speed.

3) Reefer
- Flexibility to choose equipment
- Like the rimless clean look with mounted light fixtures
- I think that they are actually a really good price for the quality and ease of set up that you get with a red sea tank.

Overall it just seemed the best aquarium for me, choosing the aquarium and equipment is really tough and needs to be a decision you are happy with for a long time. The worst feeling is getting your tank and not being sure if it will fit your home or your wish list in terms of livestock.

Hope this helps, all my personal opinions before anyone gets aggy with me.[/QUOTE

Thank you for your input. I share your thoughts on wanting to upgrade the return pump and skimmer. However, I would like the the extra capacity. I am probably leaning towards the reefer series due to the pricing also. Again thank you form your input.


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Ok based on what I have read I think everyone agrees that Salifert test kits tend to be pretty accurate for hobbyist kits. I wasn't happy with my JBL kits as I felt like I was getting different sized drops every time I squeezed the bottles of reagent. Any way I purchased Salifert NH4, NO3, NO2 from one of lfs ( River and Reef in Crewe, Cheshire )

Results :

NH4 - 0.5
NO2 - 0
NO3 - 0

Super kits and also 2 of the 3 offer a low range test simply by looking through the side of the vial rather than above. These test kits are super so really recommend these if you are looking for your first kit or an upgrade.

I also took the plunge and added the 3 fish from my existing reefer 170. I was having a big algae battle with the tank and just couldn't get on top of it. Any way tank is now empty of everything other than water and I intend to use the tank once cleaned as a RO water reservoir and salt water mixing station. All fish in and also another large bottle of ATM colony, which means skimmer and P04 reactor is turned back off for 3 days. Acclamation was done using a bucket and 1 metre length of airline simply by tying a knot in one end and syphoning the water from the display into the bucket 1 drop a second for 10 mins.

Pics to follow tomorrow.


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Pics of the 3 fish from my reefer 170 in their new home.

Powder blue tang - 2 inches
Yellow tang - 2 inches
Six line wrasse - 1 inch

Since I have added them the clowns have been a lot more confident strangely, but they now adventure out of their corner which is nice.

Really good to see a bit more movement and colour in the black box. Hope everyone settles in well.
Nutramar Foods


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Oooh lots of diatoms this morning. Fish are doing well though and swimming around a lot more actively. I have continued with the pellet feeding and also tried to stick them to the glass in a ball so the tangs can graze.

Also had the first reading of nitrate today so finally the colony is doing what it is supppsed to. Now just got to keep my eye on the levels to make sure the nitrate doesn't get out of control. Will probably dose nopox if it starts to increase.

What's everyone using for dosing pumps and containers ?


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Update from the fish, they are all super happy ! Loving the new pellets from New Era. The cool thing with these is that you can compress them into a ball and attach it to the inside of the glass. This is brill for the tangs who prefer to graze over a longer period of time rather than scoffing down pellets before they hit the bottom of the tank. The six line wrasse has developed the same habit and used to love seaweed in his old home, not sure if this is normal feeding behaviour for a wrasse ?

I am getting lots of diatoms covering different areas of the substrate and also most of the rock, happy to be on the cycle train though.

Also seeing detectable Nitrate now which is positive in the sense that colony is doing a great job of dealing with the ammonia created by the fish stock. I am just not wanting it to keep rising out of control so already thinking about nutrient control for the future.


Test results from this morning,

NH4 - 0
N02- 0.1
NO3 - 2.5

Haven't actually tested for P04 but I imagine that the RowaPhos is doing its job will test tomorrow just to check. Has anyone on here converted their reefer ATU into a refugium ? Would love to see them if you have.
Top Shelf Aquatics


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depending on what you want to keep coral wise, I would add a easy grower coral to see how my system responds. If you have 2 clowns in there already I would wait at least a month from when you added them before placing new additions in the tank.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%