I'm newer to keeping Rock flower anemones and I've seen them "eat and poop" but this looks a bit unusual. I was gone most of Saturday and just got home today. Everything else in the tank looks fine actually a bit better than usual. I'm keeping it in a sand bed and a frag grow out tank, and it's been there for at least a month or so, but I noticed one of my other nems probably got shredded by a way maker, though I know my nutrients are already low, so even though it's only a 20 gallon system the death of something smaller it should be established enough to handle. A quick strip test didn't show anything on usual but naturally didn't show anything specific so I'm in the process of taking accurate parameters but I know for now pH is 8.23 and salinity close to 1.025. temp 77 .5 the rest I don't have yet.