So I woke up this morning early and casually noticed my Inkbird 306a controller was not on.
In a panic I plugged the Jager heaters directly into my power strip. They both lit up. Knowing they are set higher than 78°, I unplugged one of them and looked for my thermometer. My tank was down to 75°. Not too bad.
I unplugged the Inkbird and plugged it back it. It immediately came back on.
This is the second time with the second Inkbird this has happened. Meaning I already replaced one Inkbird for doing this. Now the new one has done it too.
I know my power did not blink last night because if it did my stove’s clock would be flashing. It’s not.
So my question is what other temperature controllers are out there?
I see Innovative Marine makes one. (Thought not wifi, I never use the wifi of the Inkbird anyway)
Does any have any experience with the Innovative Marine controller? Or something else?
In a panic I plugged the Jager heaters directly into my power strip. They both lit up. Knowing they are set higher than 78°, I unplugged one of them and looked for my thermometer. My tank was down to 75°. Not too bad.
I unplugged the Inkbird and plugged it back it. It immediately came back on.
This is the second time with the second Inkbird this has happened. Meaning I already replaced one Inkbird for doing this. Now the new one has done it too.
I know my power did not blink last night because if it did my stove’s clock would be flashing. It’s not.
So my question is what other temperature controllers are out there?
I see Innovative Marine makes one. (Thought not wifi, I never use the wifi of the Inkbird anyway)
Does any have any experience with the Innovative Marine controller? Or something else?