Can zinc comes from algae sheets?Zinc will typically come from metals arts on or near the water, or overdosing of an additive. The tweezers could have been the source.
I don't think folks have identified either the minimum required for most trace elements, or exactly how much is too much. It's very complicated as it very often depends on the chemical form present, including how the metal may be bound to organic matter.
I'd personally search for metal things before doing anything else. Hose clamps, screws, etc.
Zinc in 0.03 uS/cm RO/DI is not likely the source. But if the DI depleted and you didn't notice, it could well be from your collection description. What are you using to measure 0.03 uS/cm? Be sure it is not 0.03 mS/cm (30 uS/cm).