I have freshwater tanks and when ich goes around I use api’s super ick cure. I’ve never had ick in my salt tank and saw one of my fish with ick so I read it’s fine for salt tanks but like an idiot I didn’t read that it can harm coral. I dosed 70% of what I was supposed to before seeing its harmful or can be for coral, and I immediately pulled 10% of the water out and am currently doing a 10% clean water change. I have a 40 gallon breeder and an aqua clear 70 filter which can filter out 300 GPH. I put my big bag of carbon back in and took another smaller bag of carbon and put it in the filter. I read that the api ick cure treatment is rendered useless when it goes through carbon. My question is I’ve got soft and lps coral and with all the steps I took to correct the super ick cure does anyone have any sort of time frame on how long this stuff is dangerous to coral? They’ll hopefully only be exposed to any trace amounts for an hour (I have now quarantined the sick fish and have learned my lesson not to medicate the main tank.)