I regret invest in two Kessil 360X



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To be honest I've not had any trouble. Both with Kessil and the Sicce power head. My original installation was 3 Kessil a360x using the cables and hardwire dongle. I did not like that controller at all. Very frustrating and cumbersome to use. I heard about Kessil and Neptune working on the iota integration so hopped on it when it became available.

Overall I can't complain about it. One thing I've noticed in this hobby is that two hobbyist can use the same piece of gear and have two different experiences. I'm not right, your not wrong, but we have different experiences which is interesting. I'm in a single story home with a pretty decent home network. My wifi drop in behind me mounted on the ceiling. Unifi home lab.

I don't have a second wifi dongle to see how it would work so of no help really. If you haven't though I would reach out to Neptune via their portal and create a ticket. I'm wondering if by any chance the two wifi dongles are causing some form of interference? I don't know.

Hobbyist to hobbyist sorry to hear. I like the iota integration and wish more followed it. Assuming, of course, it works for everyone.
Really appreciate you sharing your experience! Agree that everyone will have different experience on the same product given the envorinment and setup would be different. It's just a bit of a letdown to see scatchy desinged UX in most of the product in our hobby, even Apex. Looks like I haven't had much luck with the IoTa control. Guess I'll be keeping it simple with my basic Kessil setup for a while.


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There is not a single reefing light company that is good with tech, period. I am sorry that the kessil app sucks, but people hate the others too. I do not understand why there cannot be external buttons for those of us who have seen tech that was not designed by a 14 year old from 2006 as a high school project - I have door lock, sprinkler control unit and smoke detectors that are better than ANY reef light.

Anyway, your pain is felt and I don't expect any change, ever.


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Man I would just get USB C cables, link them together and then get the spectrum controller and use the APEX 0-10v controller.

I have used my old kessil a360w tuna suns on my planted tank for the better half of 10 years without a single hickup using 0-10v on my original apex.
I have 2 a360x with USB and spectral controller and it's solid.


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I've got two 360X lights for my tanks, and both have the wifi dongle. Yesterday I was setting them up with my Apex controller via IoTa, it was a bit of a hassle and took longer than I expected. Today I found that the connection will drop if the Kessil light power got unplugged and then plugged back in. Tried fixing it for a couple of hours but no luck, so I just reset everything to how it was before, which also took a while.

IMO The Kessil App is designed with a very frustruated and counterintuitive user experience. It's pretty slow to start up, and you can't skip the loading screen that takes forever. Plus, it keeps freezing on me, and I've had to uninstall and reinstall it a bunch of times.

Just a heads-up for my fellow reef enthusiasts: if you're thinking about getting Kessil lights, you might want to check out other brands. Just sharing my two cents to help out!
Similar issues - I have three 360x; one refugium which was several hours, repeatedly with cumbersome device not found and reset/ reconnect nonsense and two suns for the plant wall. I have to choose to add the suns OR the refugium or one will not be there the next time I open the app. Certainly a regret.


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I've got two 360X lights for my tanks, and both have the wifi dongle. Yesterday I was setting them up with my Apex controller via IoTa, it was a bit of a hassle and took longer than I expected. Today I found that the connection will drop if the Kessil light power got unplugged and then plugged back in. Tried fixing it for a couple of hours but no luck, so I just reset everything to how it was before, which also took a while.

IMO The Kessil App is designed with a very frustruated and counterintuitive user experience. It's pretty slow to start up, and you can't skip the loading screen that takes forever. Plus, it keeps freezing on me, and I've had to uninstall and reinstall it a bunch of times.

Just a heads-up for my fellow reef enthusiasts: if you're thinking about getting Kessil lights, you might want to check out other brands. Just sharing my two cents to help out!
I am happy to retort. I have 2 Aquanest lights both Wi Fi, and yes they stay dark when the power is out but the app on my phone connects very fast when I change connections in my settings, And no information is lost