So the other day, after lights out, i got out my little blue flashlight. I thought I saw one of my emeralds, but it scampered away pretty quick, which I though was odd because emeralds are not really known for their speed. Then a night ago, I noticed a couple of Zoa's missing in the morning, by evidence of a bare spot on one of my Zoa rocks. My first thought was one of the emeralds turned to the dark side. Last night I was determined to catch them in the act. So again I got out my penlight and spotted the little guy being suspicious. But this crab was not an emerald at all. My emeralds were doing there thing, on their rock that they never seem to move from. This guy, about the same size of an emerald, was not! I am pretty sure he is a stripped shore crab! Now I know what you’re thinking. You’re saying, "Wait that's crazy talk, how would a shore crab get in there?' Seeing that this is a tropical tank and Pachygrapsus crassipes, the striped shore crab is from the eastern pacific temperate waters. So I have a few crazy theories. 1. I somehow introduced him in one of my temperate tanks, (not the first time, they are the king of hitchhikers) and he said "enough of this cold water I am going on vacation in the tropics!" 2. He heard through the grapevine down at the shore that my tanks are awesome and called an Uber and snuck in. Or he could’ve walked it's only a few blocks. 3. Introduced as zooplankton either via collected NSW or kelp and grew up.
Either way, ordered a crab trap and we will see if it really is a Pachygrapsus crassipes.
Oh, the live rock part is just Clickbait... Live Rock is awesome!
Either way, ordered a crab trap and we will see if it really is a Pachygrapsus crassipes.
Oh, the live rock part is just Clickbait... Live Rock is awesome!