Seen some papers that hosts want poly/meta phosphates, not ortho. They can store meta/poly for later use and also use the other things bound to meta/poly compound export junk from the host. It appears that hosts will also use ortho, but not if poly/meta are around. Hosts also prefer to get organically bound P before using po4 too. Have seen some very recent studies that show that 3 ppb of po4 is not growth limiting to any organism and something like .05 can start to growth limit some corals (in a bad way) but not even close to all - this does not even account for the other sources of phosphorous that things have access to.
I would strongly suggest that you break your nutrients down into 4 parts... sugars and building blocks vs available and residual. You are in control of sugar content with lighting quality and quantity. You are also in control of available building blocks by feeding your fish more. Even if residual building blocks (otherwise known as waste products are low), nothing in your tank will be limited if you keep the available sources up.
You have probably seen me post this many time, but my po4 is about 1-3 ppb on Hannah Ultra Low. Stuff grows like crazy, but I feed my fish like crazy and there is no chance that anything is starved for phosphorous. Saying that corals suffer with low po4 is likely misstated or only part of the story... like carbon dosing, using media or cutting back on feeding was also likely involved.
Those bacteria that you are growing with the OC will need more than N and P. They will need other traces too. Just think about the harm that growing more bacteria could cause and not just the potential benefit - nobody has good info or knowledge on all of this since it has never really been studied, but all of the anecdoctes and experiences seem to point to lower no3 as the only tried-and-true benefit.
I would strongly suggest that you break your nutrients down into 4 parts... sugars and building blocks vs available and residual. You are in control of sugar content with lighting quality and quantity. You are also in control of available building blocks by feeding your fish more. Even if residual building blocks (otherwise known as waste products are low), nothing in your tank will be limited if you keep the available sources up.
You have probably seen me post this many time, but my po4 is about 1-3 ppb on Hannah Ultra Low. Stuff grows like crazy, but I feed my fish like crazy and there is no chance that anything is starved for phosphorous. Saying that corals suffer with low po4 is likely misstated or only part of the story... like carbon dosing, using media or cutting back on feeding was also likely involved.
Those bacteria that you are growing with the OC will need more than N and P. They will need other traces too. Just think about the harm that growing more bacteria could cause and not just the potential benefit - nobody has good info or knowledge on all of this since it has never really been studied, but all of the anecdoctes and experiences seem to point to lower no3 as the only tried-and-true benefit.